Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Time to play catch up

Okay, I haven't blogged for a while, so here goes.
Life is going along pretty well for us right now. I am truly looking forward to celebrating Christmas. We had our play at church last night and will be having an encore performance at 1:30 this afternoon. The kids did a great job last night and the man from our church who plays "Uncle Yule" really made the play - southern accent and all! I was impressed!
I'm almost finished with my shopping - still need to pick up a couple of things for Ashley, Bailey and Andy. I haven't wrapped anything though - I may assign that job to Andy! LOL He's a much better wrapper than me.
I am so in love with our newest family member, Sidda. She is absolutely a perfect fit for our family. I took her the groomer last week though and asked for her hair to be cut "shorter"....he shaved her! Except for her head and legs - she kind of has this poodle cut thing going on. I'll be so glad when it grows out!
My new job continues to be really good. It's nice to not be so stressed all the time. I can definitely tell that I'm my old self again.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Fall and Little Boys

Andy spent part of his morning yesterday raking and re-raking the leaves in the yard so that Colin and the neighbor boys could play in them. I went out to check on them at one point and Colin yelled "Gamma - jump in da weaves!" I did. Sorry, no picture of that one, but I did snap one of Colin!
Bailey has decided to quit school. This is an issue we've been dealing with over the last few weeks. She is constantly in tears and over-stressed. She came to my office this past Monday to talk....well, to talk between sobs. She seems to be having a really difficult time transitioning from high school life to college life. I won't go into details here.
I told her this is the time in her life to discover what it is she really wants to do....and if she needs time off from school, then just do it. Of course, I've had a couple of people tell me that I should have made her tough out at least this first semester, but I just didn't have the heart. I do hate the fact that she will be losing $5800 in scholarship money, but bottom line, it's her decision.
So, she is working and keeping my house clean (hey, this may not be so bad after all!). And, I have to say, she seems much more like her old self, which is always a good thing. She seems much more relaxed and told me it feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.
I told her this is the time in her life to discover what it is she really wants to do....and if she needs time off from school, then just do it. Of course, I've had a couple of people tell me that I should have made her tough out at least this first semester, but I just didn't have the heart. I do hate the fact that she will be losing $5800 in scholarship money, but bottom line, it's her decision.
So, she is working and keeping my house clean (hey, this may not be so bad after all!). And, I have to say, she seems much more like her old self, which is always a good thing. She seems much more relaxed and told me it feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
No real news here....
Nothing really to report, just thought I'd come in and type a little bit.
My parents are in from Arkansas - they'll be here through next Monday. They always stay at our house while they're here - although yesterday they left to spend two nights at Mom's sister's house in Seymour. They'll be back here tomorrow.
Work is going great. Our manager is going on vacation and won't be back until next Wednesday. Makes me a little nervous, knowing she won't be there, but I know we'll be fine. That will leave me and the other lady to cover our office. Hopefully nothing over-the-top will happen while she's gone.
Moms in Touch is feeding the teachers at school today because it is Parent/Teacher Conferences. We've been doing this for years. Mom made ham salad for me to take and I baked cookies shaped like pumpkins last night....even used orange icing for the pumpkin and green icing for the stems. They are so pretty - almost hate to eat them!
I was reminded yesterday of how thankful I am to have a husband like Andy. When I listen to other women vent about their spouses, it always makes me more appreciative. Although, Andy is on vacation this week so is getting to sleep in every morning....which I think is totally unfair! LOL
My parents are in from Arkansas - they'll be here through next Monday. They always stay at our house while they're here - although yesterday they left to spend two nights at Mom's sister's house in Seymour. They'll be back here tomorrow.
Work is going great. Our manager is going on vacation and won't be back until next Wednesday. Makes me a little nervous, knowing she won't be there, but I know we'll be fine. That will leave me and the other lady to cover our office. Hopefully nothing over-the-top will happen while she's gone.
Moms in Touch is feeding the teachers at school today because it is Parent/Teacher Conferences. We've been doing this for years. Mom made ham salad for me to take and I baked cookies shaped like pumpkins last night....even used orange icing for the pumpkin and green icing for the stems. They are so pretty - almost hate to eat them!
I was reminded yesterday of how thankful I am to have a husband like Andy. When I listen to other women vent about their spouses, it always makes me more appreciative. Although, Andy is on vacation this week so is getting to sleep in every morning....which I think is totally unfair! LOL
Friday, October 13, 2006
My Parents Are Coming! My Parents Are Coming!
My parents will be here this afternoon. They are spending a week and a half with us - I am so excited! I miss them so much. It's hard not being able to see them every day.
I spent part of last night getting my house ready. Of course, it's just my parents, so they don't expect it to be spotless. And it was already pretty much picked up - it just need a little lift. I did scrub the bathroom that they'll be using and washed the bed linens for them.
Also, last night Bailey and I watched "The Break-Up" with Jennifer Aniston and Vince waste of time! Blech. Horrible. Ick. Did I mention I didn't like it? What a freaky ending.
Tomorrow is our family reunion - Mom's side of the family, which I am totally looking forward to. They are such a beautiful extended family. So.......normal. As compared to my dad's side of the family, which is so........dysfunctional. I like to think that Andy and I have taken after Mom's side....although there may be people who would disagree! LOL
We're having absolutely gorgeous weather. Cool, crisp and clear. Beautiful.
I spent part of last night getting my house ready. Of course, it's just my parents, so they don't expect it to be spotless. And it was already pretty much picked up - it just need a little lift. I did scrub the bathroom that they'll be using and washed the bed linens for them.
Also, last night Bailey and I watched "The Break-Up" with Jennifer Aniston and Vince waste of time! Blech. Horrible. Ick. Did I mention I didn't like it? What a freaky ending.
Tomorrow is our family reunion - Mom's side of the family, which I am totally looking forward to. They are such a beautiful extended family. So.......normal. As compared to my dad's side of the family, which is so........dysfunctional. I like to think that Andy and I have taken after Mom's side....although there may be people who would disagree! LOL
We're having absolutely gorgeous weather. Cool, crisp and clear. Beautiful.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I got a phone call.....
at 6:45 am on Tuesday morning. It was the lady who took my place at the school. She was upset and said she needed to meet with me, that she "can't handle all of this".
So I went there after I got off work. Things are bad there. There's been a climate control study conducted on our principal - which came back terribly negative. She said he's about to have a breakdown. She said the kids are out of control and there's no discipline, basically the animals are running the zoo.
Then we moved on to the accounting part. She has a stack of bills she hasn't paid yet because she "doesn't have time". Hello? You have to make time to do that - the extra-curricular bills have to be paid. She has bills that she doesn't have receipts for because either the teachers haven't given them to her or she has lost them. She's been keying in the checks/deposits into the computer system wrong. She hasn't been filling out the proper paperwork to pay refs for the games. Yikes. I told her I would come in and help her get organized, but they will have to pay me to do it....which I doubt the superintendent would be willing to do.
My main concern is the accounting part. She really just doesn't know what she's doing and I feel really bad for her. She was placed in a job that she simply isn't qualified to do.
She told me the library aide is quitting and if she does, she would like to take her job and thinks I need to come back and take my job back over. Yeah. Right. I'll be sure and do that right away. I don't think it's totally out of the question, but they would have to ask me to come back and make it worth my while financially. Which won't happen.
I told her to call the corporation treasurer, who works out of the superintendent's office, and meet with her. I told her to show her everything she has shown me and tell her everything she has told me, and that together they would get it straightened out.
So I went there after I got off work. Things are bad there. There's been a climate control study conducted on our principal - which came back terribly negative. She said he's about to have a breakdown. She said the kids are out of control and there's no discipline, basically the animals are running the zoo.
Then we moved on to the accounting part. She has a stack of bills she hasn't paid yet because she "doesn't have time". Hello? You have to make time to do that - the extra-curricular bills have to be paid. She has bills that she doesn't have receipts for because either the teachers haven't given them to her or she has lost them. She's been keying in the checks/deposits into the computer system wrong. She hasn't been filling out the proper paperwork to pay refs for the games. Yikes. I told her I would come in and help her get organized, but they will have to pay me to do it....which I doubt the superintendent would be willing to do.
My main concern is the accounting part. She really just doesn't know what she's doing and I feel really bad for her. She was placed in a job that she simply isn't qualified to do.
She told me the library aide is quitting and if she does, she would like to take her job and thinks I need to come back and take my job back over. Yeah. Right. I'll be sure and do that right away. I don't think it's totally out of the question, but they would have to ask me to come back and make it worth my while financially. Which won't happen.
I told her to call the corporation treasurer, who works out of the superintendent's office, and meet with her. I told her to show her everything she has shown me and tell her everything she has told me, and that together they would get it straightened out.
Monday, October 09, 2006
I rarely have nightmares....maybe one every few years. Last night was one of those rare occasions. I woke myself up screaming - Andy said he had been trying to get me to wake up but couldn't.
I was being held in a house by some guy I didn't know, but he would allow me to go out into the yard. I was planning my escape when his "insane" brother came out with a club and two other guys. I knew they were going to try to kill me so I was trying to get around them to get back in the house - I knew I would be safe if I could just get back inside.
Instead, as I tried to slip past them, they attacked - one of them grabbed me and brought the club down onto my head.....that's when I woke up screaming.
Of course, I had a hard time going back to sleep after that. Andy was sweet and held me until I drifted back off.
It just seemed so real. Ugh. I felt creepy all day today.
I wonder if it meant anything?
I was being held in a house by some guy I didn't know, but he would allow me to go out into the yard. I was planning my escape when his "insane" brother came out with a club and two other guys. I knew they were going to try to kill me so I was trying to get around them to get back in the house - I knew I would be safe if I could just get back inside.
Instead, as I tried to slip past them, they attacked - one of them grabbed me and brought the club down onto my head.....that's when I woke up screaming.
Of course, I had a hard time going back to sleep after that. Andy was sweet and held me until I drifted back off.
It just seemed so real. Ugh. I felt creepy all day today.
I wonder if it meant anything?
Saturday, September 23, 2006
New job, No regrets
I haven't posted in a while, so thought maybe I'd better put something in here.
I love my new job....did you all hear that? Love it, love it, love it! It's such a perfect fit for me. I've already implemented a couple of new ideas that my supervisor has approved and seems to be happy with. I'm working my butt off to impress everyone - my goal is to move up. Actually, my goal is be on the 4th floor - where the "initials" all work....CEO, CCO, CFO, COO, etc.
I love the two ladies I work with. They have gone out of the way to make me feel welcome and to spend lots of time training me. I have to say, it seems like I'm picking things up pretty quickly and my old self-confidence is coming back.
I had been warned by a couple of different people about one of those ladies (to watch my back), but, for now, I see nothing of what they were talking about it. I'm not going to let others opinions influence me. After coming out of the situation I just did at my other job, I want nothing but peace and harmony here and that's what I'm striving for.
About my "old" job. Phone calls, e-mails, name it...I'm getting them weekly from friends and former co-workers , although it has slowed down a bit. Sounds like things are a bit in turmoil over there. Someone even told me yesterday that my former boss said he would give me part of his salary to come back. Yeah. Right. I've also been told there's kind of a battle of words going on about "who's fault" it is that I left.
Bottom's nobody's fault. I chose to leave because I didn't like the person I was becoming....negative, grouchy, always stressed out. And, quite frankly, I didn't feel appreciated. Yes, there were people who helped my decision along, but to say it was any one person's fault is not fair to anyone who is still there.
The person I talked to last night said "Ever since you left, it's like all the goodness and sweetness is gone from the office and all that's left is lying and back-stabbing."
And I almost feel guilty that I feel so content in my new job. Almost.
I love my new job....did you all hear that? Love it, love it, love it! It's such a perfect fit for me. I've already implemented a couple of new ideas that my supervisor has approved and seems to be happy with. I'm working my butt off to impress everyone - my goal is to move up. Actually, my goal is be on the 4th floor - where the "initials" all work....CEO, CCO, CFO, COO, etc.
I love the two ladies I work with. They have gone out of the way to make me feel welcome and to spend lots of time training me. I have to say, it seems like I'm picking things up pretty quickly and my old self-confidence is coming back.
I had been warned by a couple of different people about one of those ladies (to watch my back), but, for now, I see nothing of what they were talking about it. I'm not going to let others opinions influence me. After coming out of the situation I just did at my other job, I want nothing but peace and harmony here and that's what I'm striving for.
About my "old" job. Phone calls, e-mails, name it...I'm getting them weekly from friends and former co-workers , although it has slowed down a bit. Sounds like things are a bit in turmoil over there. Someone even told me yesterday that my former boss said he would give me part of his salary to come back. Yeah. Right. I've also been told there's kind of a battle of words going on about "who's fault" it is that I left.
Bottom's nobody's fault. I chose to leave because I didn't like the person I was becoming....negative, grouchy, always stressed out. And, quite frankly, I didn't feel appreciated. Yes, there were people who helped my decision along, but to say it was any one person's fault is not fair to anyone who is still there.
The person I talked to last night said "Ever since you left, it's like all the goodness and sweetness is gone from the office and all that's left is lying and back-stabbing."
And I almost feel guilty that I feel so content in my new job. Almost.
Monday, August 21, 2006
New Job Update
Well, I've been at my new job for 6 days now. Last week was wonderful. It felt so good to come home stress free every evening. I love the drive - about 30 minutes there, 30 minutes back.
Then this morning, I was sitting at my desk, and had this horrible feeling of "homesickness" for the school. I could have cried if I had allowed myself. No feeling of regret or anything like that, just missing everyone. I think it finally hit me that I don't really work there anymore.
Anyway, the job is really going great. I feel like I'm catching onto things pretty quick. One of the department managers has already talked to my boss and told her that she was impressed with me - that I seem to "really be on top of things". ~~~can't you just hear my head growing~~~
Tomorrow we have four new hires coming in for their pre-hire paperwork, then two more on Wednesday. I'm going to watch the other girl in the office do the four tomorrow, then on Wednesday she's going to let me do them while she watches me. I know that I can do it but I would be a lot more comfortable if I knew she wasn't going to be standing over my shoulder. Don't get me wrong, I understand why she's doing it, but I know I'd do a better job without an audience.....stage fright, I guess.
Anyway, my "goal" is definitely to move up in the ranks.....I want to be on the 4th floor with the "initials"....the CEO, CFO, COO, administrative assistant to one of them, I don't care which one. :-)
Bailey started her classes today, too. After a couple of room mix-ups (one which caused her to miss an entire class), she had a really good day and has already made some friends.
Then this morning, I was sitting at my desk, and had this horrible feeling of "homesickness" for the school. I could have cried if I had allowed myself. No feeling of regret or anything like that, just missing everyone. I think it finally hit me that I don't really work there anymore.
Anyway, the job is really going great. I feel like I'm catching onto things pretty quick. One of the department managers has already talked to my boss and told her that she was impressed with me - that I seem to "really be on top of things". ~~~can't you just hear my head growing~~~
Tomorrow we have four new hires coming in for their pre-hire paperwork, then two more on Wednesday. I'm going to watch the other girl in the office do the four tomorrow, then on Wednesday she's going to let me do them while she watches me. I know that I can do it but I would be a lot more comfortable if I knew she wasn't going to be standing over my shoulder. Don't get me wrong, I understand why she's doing it, but I know I'd do a better job without an audience.....stage fright, I guess.
Anyway, my "goal" is definitely to move up in the ranks.....I want to be on the 4th floor with the "initials"....the CEO, CFO, COO, administrative assistant to one of them, I don't care which one. :-)
Bailey started her classes today, too. After a couple of room mix-ups (one which caused her to miss an entire class), she had a really good day and has already made some friends.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Back from Vacation
We just spent a week in Arkansas with my parents and had such a great time. I really wish we could talk Andy into moving back down there, but I'm afraid it's just not going to happen. He really loves his job here. ~~~sigh~~~
Mom and I had a talk about what I'm supposed to do if anything happens to her and William, heaven forbid....but it's something everyone needs to be aware accounts, life insurances, etc. They don't have a will yet so I told her that they really need to get that done.
So now we're home and I'm faced with a yard full of flowers that need weeding and plucked....and I haven't unpacked yet. I did laundry before we left so everything is clean and just needs to be put away.
Oh yes, my new boss called me to "touch base". She said they have my office all ready for me and have put "a few pretty things in there" for me. I can't wait to see it. I have orientation on Tuesday and then start on Monday, the 14th.
Mom and I had a talk about what I'm supposed to do if anything happens to her and William, heaven forbid....but it's something everyone needs to be aware accounts, life insurances, etc. They don't have a will yet so I told her that they really need to get that done.
So now we're home and I'm faced with a yard full of flowers that need weeding and plucked....and I haven't unpacked yet. I did laundry before we left so everything is clean and just needs to be put away.
Oh yes, my new boss called me to "touch base". She said they have my office all ready for me and have put "a few pretty things in there" for me. I can't wait to see it. I have orientation on Tuesday and then start on Monday, the 14th.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A party for moi?!
The maintenance staff (okay, better known as janitors) threw me a little going away party today. They had pizza, a cake, and a little gift for me. During the summers, we are the only ones there so we have gotten quite close. It was so sweet of them....also bittersweet. I just wanted to cry - the cake had an angel on it...very sweet! I'll really miss them - they feed me all summer! LOL
We are leaving for Arkansas on Friday after we get home from work. We're going to be staying with my parents for a week. Mom is retiring, so the water company is throwing her a big bash Saturday night that she doesn't know about. She knows that Andy, Bailey and I are coming down, but she doesn't know that both of my brothers, their spouses, and my sister and her husband are coming as well. We are going to suggest "Western Sizzlin" for supper Saturday evening and when we get there, everyone else will already be there waiting. I think there are supposed to be about 65 people there in total. I can't wait to see the look on her face - she will be shocked when she sees my siblings there. I hope we pull this off without letting anything slip and ruining the surprise!
We are leaving for Arkansas on Friday after we get home from work. We're going to be staying with my parents for a week. Mom is retiring, so the water company is throwing her a big bash Saturday night that she doesn't know about. She knows that Andy, Bailey and I are coming down, but she doesn't know that both of my brothers, their spouses, and my sister and her husband are coming as well. We are going to suggest "Western Sizzlin" for supper Saturday evening and when we get there, everyone else will already be there waiting. I think there are supposed to be about 65 people there in total. I can't wait to see the look on her face - she will be shocked when she sees my siblings there. I hope we pull this off without letting anything slip and ruining the surprise!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Hectic Week!

It's been a hectic week for me. Our annual Vacation Bible School was this week and I'm the director, so every day was spent at work and then every evening was spent at church. I have to say it was a great success. We had our "finale" last night, the VBS choirs performed, as did our church drama team. It really, really came off well. :-)
I've begun training my replacement at the school. I think she will do a great job and am enjoying working with her. She is quite overwhelmed right now but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it.
We'll be leaving next Friday evening to spend a week in Arkansas with my parents; then I'll come back and do my last week at the school before starting my new job. I'm nervous, but excited. I think I'm up for some new challenges.
Our new family member is fitting in great. She's just so darn cute!
Friday, July 07, 2006
A day of decision making!
I got the job! Well, I haven't actually accepted yet. Darci called and offered it to me and then told me to take the weekend to think about it. It's not quite the money I wanted, but still almost $1/hour more than I'm making now. And the benefits are excellent. I'll be calling her first thing Monday morning to accept. I probably should have gone ahead and accepted while we were on the phone, but once she said "think it over" I decided to run it by Andy first - just to make sure he thought I was making the right decision.
And then.....we bought a new car. Driving to Bedford is going to be about 50 miles a day round trip, so we had already decided to get a new vehicle. We found a 2005 Ford Focus, 2-door, 5-speed manual transmission, 17000 miles, leather seats, heated front seats, 6-CD player/changer, sunroof and a few other niceties. Plus it gets 32/34 miles per gallon. Their asking price was $14, the time we left Andy had gotten them down to $11,400. At one point I even said, "Let's look around a little more" and we walked out. The guy literally ran out after us and said he thought he could make us a better deal. Amazing. It was my first experience of buying a car from a dealership - I was pretty amazed at all the wheeling/dealing that goes on. Andy even got them to pay a bulk of the sales tax!
So, I have had a pretty exciting day. Bailey's happy because she now officially has her own car....along with her own car payment. We are letting her have my Ford Escort Sport for what we owe on it - she has about a year of payments on it.
Anyway, that's my day in a nutshell.
And then.....we bought a new car. Driving to Bedford is going to be about 50 miles a day round trip, so we had already decided to get a new vehicle. We found a 2005 Ford Focus, 2-door, 5-speed manual transmission, 17000 miles, leather seats, heated front seats, 6-CD player/changer, sunroof and a few other niceties. Plus it gets 32/34 miles per gallon. Their asking price was $14, the time we left Andy had gotten them down to $11,400. At one point I even said, "Let's look around a little more" and we walked out. The guy literally ran out after us and said he thought he could make us a better deal. Amazing. It was my first experience of buying a car from a dealership - I was pretty amazed at all the wheeling/dealing that goes on. Andy even got them to pay a bulk of the sales tax!
So, I have had a pretty exciting day. Bailey's happy because she now officially has her own car....along with her own car payment. We are letting her have my Ford Escort Sport for what we owe on it - she has about a year of payments on it.
Anyway, that's my day in a nutshell.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Job Update....
which really isn't an update at all. I got a call on Friday - she is checking references on the candidates and will make a decision mid-week this week. I'm hoping to hear something at least by Thursday. But I do know that none of my references have been called yet. Blech.
In the meantime, the superintendent has decided that if I leave he will not be replacing me. He is going to "break up" my duties and assign them to other people. He already has it in his brain that the school only needs one secretary. So here's the catch.....if I decide to stay, I'm sure he'll let me keep my position - but I can almost guarantee that he'll dissolve the elementary secretary's job and offer her an aide position instead. She's a really good friend of mine and it would be really crappy for him to do that to her. But he'll do it in a heartbeat. Plus - he'll give me part of her duties...can we say "added stress" to an already stressful position? I really wish word hadn't gotten out about me interviewing at the hospital, but we can't go back and undo what's already been done.
Ashley and Guy are both on vacation this week - I haven't seen Colin since Saturday evening....I think I'm having withdrawals! LOL I'm used to seeing him almost every day....guess I'll have to call and see if I can have him for a few hours.
Not much else to report. It's the 4th of July - Andy's at work and Bailey's getting ready to go to work, so I'll have the house to myself for a couple of hours. I don't think we have any plans for tonight. Our church had a cook-out last night and watched some pretty awesome fireworks. So tonight we may just stay in.
In the meantime, the superintendent has decided that if I leave he will not be replacing me. He is going to "break up" my duties and assign them to other people. He already has it in his brain that the school only needs one secretary. So here's the catch.....if I decide to stay, I'm sure he'll let me keep my position - but I can almost guarantee that he'll dissolve the elementary secretary's job and offer her an aide position instead. She's a really good friend of mine and it would be really crappy for him to do that to her. But he'll do it in a heartbeat. Plus - he'll give me part of her duties...can we say "added stress" to an already stressful position? I really wish word hadn't gotten out about me interviewing at the hospital, but we can't go back and undo what's already been done.
Ashley and Guy are both on vacation this week - I haven't seen Colin since Saturday evening....I think I'm having withdrawals! LOL I'm used to seeing him almost every day....guess I'll have to call and see if I can have him for a few hours.
Not much else to report. It's the 4th of July - Andy's at work and Bailey's getting ready to go to work, so I'll have the house to myself for a couple of hours. I don't think we have any plans for tonight. Our church had a cook-out last night and watched some pretty awesome fireworks. So tonight we may just stay in.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I hate waiting :-(
Okay, so the 2nd interview was today. Another manager sat in on this one and asked some of the same questions from the first interview. I think it went pretty well. They are going to make a decision on Friday and call me then. Ugh. I hate waiting (please refer to the title of this post if that wasn't clear enough. LOL)
The superintendent tried to call me about 30 minutes ago. We have caller ID and I really didn't want to talk to him. I'm sure he was calling to see what I found out. I wish he would just go ahead and make me an offer to stay if he's going to, instead of waiting to see if they offer me the job or not. I would stay if the money were right and if he would give me holidays off with pay without having to use my vacation days - but it would have to be pretty substantial raise. And I really can't see that happening.
And I really think I would like this new job. Oh well, I just have to wait and see (and I hate waiting!).
In the meantime, we went to Ivy Tech yesterday and Bailey is now officially enrolled as a college student. She has decided to pursue a business degree and an interior design degree at the same time. They told her she could earn both in 3 years if she goes during the summer, too. We are going to set up a CLEP exam and hopefully she will test out of math and her high school credits will transfer....we may try for English and Science, as well. They are pretty impressed with her SAT scores. One gentleman referred to them as "impressive" and the lady in admissions said they were "excellent". She doesn't have to take any pre-admission testing since they are so high. Can we say "proud mother" or what?! She gets that from me! LOL
The superintendent tried to call me about 30 minutes ago. We have caller ID and I really didn't want to talk to him. I'm sure he was calling to see what I found out. I wish he would just go ahead and make me an offer to stay if he's going to, instead of waiting to see if they offer me the job or not. I would stay if the money were right and if he would give me holidays off with pay without having to use my vacation days - but it would have to be pretty substantial raise. And I really can't see that happening.
And I really think I would like this new job. Oh well, I just have to wait and see (and I hate waiting!).
In the meantime, we went to Ivy Tech yesterday and Bailey is now officially enrolled as a college student. She has decided to pursue a business degree and an interior design degree at the same time. They told her she could earn both in 3 years if she goes during the summer, too. We are going to set up a CLEP exam and hopefully she will test out of math and her high school credits will transfer....we may try for English and Science, as well. They are pretty impressed with her SAT scores. One gentleman referred to them as "impressive" and the lady in admissions said they were "excellent". She doesn't have to take any pre-admission testing since they are so high. Can we say "proud mother" or what?! She gets that from me! LOL
Monday, June 26, 2006
I have a 2nd interview on Wednesday!
I got a call today from the hospital asking me to come in for a second interview on Wednesday. My friend, Kim, who works there, called me and said the director of Human Resources asked her if she thought I was still interested in the job. She told Kim that I was by far her best interview and she loved my professionalism and sense of humor! I'm so excited!
Friday, June 23, 2006
What a week....

and not in a good way.
Monday - storms that included very strong winds, rain, and hail. We lost a limb out of one of our trees, but rescued two doves who flew away the next day.
Tuesday - found out my sister has some sort of cystic lesion on her brain - absolutely no idea what that means - we are still awaiting word from the doctor.
Wednesday - trip to Chicago for a check-up on Bailey's spine (scoliosis). The doctor told us that since she has "so many" fused vertebrae in the cervical spine, that eventually the discs will begin to deteriorate. Ugh. They gave her exercises to keep her neck and shoulders if I can only get her to do them twice a day.
Thursday - received a phone call telling me that Peggy's dad (Peggy being my best friend in the whole world) was taken to the hospital, dying. He was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease about 10 weeks ago and went downhill fast. I spent all of the afternoon and most of the evening in the waiting room of the ICU with her and her family.
Friday - Peggy's dad passed away. Got a phone call from my mom telling me that my most favorite uncle, Donn, has cancer of the lymph nodes.
Still no word yet on my job interview....I'm assuming there's a letter in the mail on it's way to me, thanking me for interviewing and telling me that the position has now been filled. Andy and I haven't had any "us" time in over a week and both of our weekends are filled up - but with different activities so I won't see him much then either. I think we're due for a "date night" pretty soon.
Ugh. Must close this post on a positive note........hmmmmmm......
Colin is the most adorable grandson anyone could ever ask for. Okay - that puts a smile on my face.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
My Husband

I just felt the need to post about Andy today. We were married for 24 years on May 29th. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't whisper (sometimes even yell) a thank you to God for giving him to me.
He is even-tempered, easy-going, and too funny. He is handsome. He has a great butt (I threw that in for Brenda). And we have a great time together. His sister once told us she couldn't believe we ever had kids because she couldn't imagine us ever being serious long enough to conceive. We just enjoy being together.
He loves his job and takes it very seriously, but the girls and I have always come first in his life. And it's a nice little life that we've created together. A lot of people would call it "boring", but it's not to us. What could be more wonderful that sitting on the front porch, having a cup of coffee together and talking about our day's events together? Okay, him listening to me talk about my day's events...that's really what it's more like....but at least he listens! LOL
Don't get me wrong, we've had our rough patches. But they really have been few and far between. And now, after 24 years, we're at that place where we are truly comfortable with each other.
He adores his family - especially his two girls. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for them - and he is ferociously protective of them. The first time he had to drop Ashley off at daycare he came home that day and said "I don't see how you do that everyday" because he couldn't stand leaving her there. I remember him being heartbroken when we found out about Bailey's birth defects. I think that was probably the first time I saw him cry.
I used to love watching him play with the girls....and now I thoroughly enjoy watching him play with our grandson. They seem to have some sort of kindred spirit.
Through the years he has been my strength, my confidante, and truly my friend....and for that I think he deserves a post on my blog that is all about him!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Why I Love a Small Town
I love living in a small town. Sometimes it's frustrating because everyone knows everybody's business. For instance - I had a job interview last Saturday I had received a phone call from someone wanting my job at the Monday it was all over town that I was leaving the school (I have to keep telling people it was just an interview!) Tell one person something and within a few days, it's all over! LOL
But tonight Andy and I spent our evening on a bike ride. We stopped by our church to watch the little kids having a bike-a-thon to raise money for camp. While there I "babysat" one of the girl's new pet turtle that she just found yesterday.
Then we rode to the ballpark and watched the 6, 7 and 8 year-olds play's more fun watching the parents! Half of the town was there cheering those kids on.
Then we rode our bikes home, watered our flowers, and are enjoying a quiet evening.
I love living in a small town.
But tonight Andy and I spent our evening on a bike ride. We stopped by our church to watch the little kids having a bike-a-thon to raise money for camp. While there I "babysat" one of the girl's new pet turtle that she just found yesterday.
Then we rode to the ballpark and watched the 6, 7 and 8 year-olds play's more fun watching the parents! Half of the town was there cheering those kids on.
Then we rode our bikes home, watered our flowers, and are enjoying a quiet evening.
I love living in a small town.
Monday, June 12, 2006
A Vent - Just need to get it off my chest.
I love my husband's family. I love his mother; I love his brothers; and I love his three sisters. We all get along really well.
But I have an issue with them. They all - at one time- attended church. None of them do now. That is their business, not mine. I almost never discuss church with them unless one of them brings it up.
There are several grandchildren and neices/nephews in the family. Several of them have participated in sports over the years in school. "The Family" never misses a ballgame. One of the great-grandchildren is now playing T-ball...everyone goes to the ballgame.
In the 12 years that we have lived back in Indiana, my girls have been very involved in church activities and no sports. They have been in Christmas plays and Easter plays every year. How many times do you think Andy's family has come to see them in their church programs? I think one of Andy's sisters came once.
It's always bothered me, but I've always let it go. I figure they don't want to go to church activities because it makes them feel guilty about not attending.
I don't know when Bailey came to this realization - maybe it's because there's a t-ball game tonight and we just got the "reminder" phone call to go watch. But, with tears in her eyes, she just said "Why does everyone drop what they're doing when there's a game, but no one ever comes to watch me when my drama team performs at church?"
I wish I had an answer for her.
But I have an issue with them. They all - at one time- attended church. None of them do now. That is their business, not mine. I almost never discuss church with them unless one of them brings it up.
There are several grandchildren and neices/nephews in the family. Several of them have participated in sports over the years in school. "The Family" never misses a ballgame. One of the great-grandchildren is now playing T-ball...everyone goes to the ballgame.
In the 12 years that we have lived back in Indiana, my girls have been very involved in church activities and no sports. They have been in Christmas plays and Easter plays every year. How many times do you think Andy's family has come to see them in their church programs? I think one of Andy's sisters came once.
It's always bothered me, but I've always let it go. I figure they don't want to go to church activities because it makes them feel guilty about not attending.
I don't know when Bailey came to this realization - maybe it's because there's a t-ball game tonight and we just got the "reminder" phone call to go watch. But, with tears in her eyes, she just said "Why does everyone drop what they're doing when there's a game, but no one ever comes to watch me when my drama team performs at church?"
I wish I had an answer for her.
I think I may be insulted!
A little history....last Tuesday I stayed home with a really bad migraine. Thursday afternoon was my job interview.
Today I decided to go ahead and tell my boss about the interview because word was getting out and I didn't want him to feel like he was the "last to know" - he's very funny about stuff like that. He seemed disappointed and asked a few questions and then "well, okay". Then before I left his office he said "So, by the way, when you were 'home with a headache' last Tuesday, is this when you had the interview?". I said, "No, I was home with a headache on Tuesday - my interview was Thursday - the day I told you I needed to leave early."
I can't believe it! He practically accused me of lying about being sick - which I find really insulting. Maybe I'm making too much out of it.
Today I decided to go ahead and tell my boss about the interview because word was getting out and I didn't want him to feel like he was the "last to know" - he's very funny about stuff like that. He seemed disappointed and asked a few questions and then "well, okay". Then before I left his office he said "So, by the way, when you were 'home with a headache' last Tuesday, is this when you had the interview?". I said, "No, I was home with a headache on Tuesday - my interview was Thursday - the day I told you I needed to leave early."
I can't believe it! He practically accused me of lying about being sick - which I find really insulting. Maybe I'm making too much out of it.
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Interview
Well, I think it went really, really well. I had to answer two pages of those crazy interview questions, but I think I handled it okay. The interviewer took me to the cafeteria for coffee - we had the place to ourselves - and we chatted for a long time, doing a lot of laughing. She walked me all the way to the front door of the hospital when I left - wonder if that's a good sign?
They have great benefits - and I really think I would enjoy working there. I also found out there's an opening in the payroll department and they have already pulled my resume and application for that position, too. My friend who works there said that would actually pay a little more.
And about the is projected to start at a little less than I make now. So she says "let's say we hire you and you get to name your price - how much would you ask for?" I told her $12/hour, which is almost $2/hour more than what they have "projected". She said that my office experience would definitely be taken into consideration and, if hired, I would probably start at closer to the $12/hour.
Now - I had told Brad (our elementary principal) about the interview because he is one of my references and I knew that he wouldn't breathe a word to anyone. But as I was leaving work early yesterday, one of the janitors said "Where ya goin' Teresa? Got a big job interview or something?" Being the horrible liar that I am, as well as being caught off guard, I said "Yes, but it's just an interview - probably nothing will come of it."
Well, Brad tells me today that the superintendent found out about it (gotta love a small town) and asked Brad if he knew about it. He's upset and is planning to talk to me next week to convince me to stay....which is crazy because I don't even have the job yet and may not get it. Plus, now I feel like I'd better go ahead and tell my boss - if he doesn't already know - which he probably does. So I guess I'll tell him first thing Monday morning and just get everything out in the open.
Of course, now if I don't get the job, I'll feel like a slug. I really wish it hadn't been found out, but oh well, what can you do?
They have great benefits - and I really think I would enjoy working there. I also found out there's an opening in the payroll department and they have already pulled my resume and application for that position, too. My friend who works there said that would actually pay a little more.
And about the is projected to start at a little less than I make now. So she says "let's say we hire you and you get to name your price - how much would you ask for?" I told her $12/hour, which is almost $2/hour more than what they have "projected". She said that my office experience would definitely be taken into consideration and, if hired, I would probably start at closer to the $12/hour.
Now - I had told Brad (our elementary principal) about the interview because he is one of my references and I knew that he wouldn't breathe a word to anyone. But as I was leaving work early yesterday, one of the janitors said "Where ya goin' Teresa? Got a big job interview or something?" Being the horrible liar that I am, as well as being caught off guard, I said "Yes, but it's just an interview - probably nothing will come of it."
Well, Brad tells me today that the superintendent found out about it (gotta love a small town) and asked Brad if he knew about it. He's upset and is planning to talk to me next week to convince me to stay....which is crazy because I don't even have the job yet and may not get it. Plus, now I feel like I'd better go ahead and tell my boss - if he doesn't already know - which he probably does. So I guess I'll tell him first thing Monday morning and just get everything out in the open.
Of course, now if I don't get the job, I'll feel like a slug. I really wish it hadn't been found out, but oh well, what can you do?
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Interviewing Tomorrow
I have an interview tomorrow at 2:30 for a position in the Human Resources department of a local hospital....something I'm sure I'd love to do. I've worked at the school for almost 11 years and it's a huge decision to leave, but I feel like I'm ready for a change. It's especially easier now that Bailey has graduated. Of course, just because I'm interviewing doesn't mean I have the job, does it?
Bailey had an interview today at Movie Gallery. She has got to get a job! The lady who interviewed her today seemed to really like her (according to Bailey) and wants her to interview with another manager. She (the lady who interviewed Bailey) tried to call the other manager today, but couldn't get a hold of her. She told Bailey she will call her with the time and date of the next interview as soon as she talks to the other manager. Very promising, I think.
Of course, since I have an interview tomorrow that is about 20 miles away, my car has decided to start acting up - something with the transmission. So my car is in the shop and Andy borrowed his mom's car for me to drive to the interview. It's always something!
Bailey had an interview today at Movie Gallery. She has got to get a job! The lady who interviewed her today seemed to really like her (according to Bailey) and wants her to interview with another manager. She (the lady who interviewed Bailey) tried to call the other manager today, but couldn't get a hold of her. She told Bailey she will call her with the time and date of the next interview as soon as she talks to the other manager. Very promising, I think.
Of course, since I have an interview tomorrow that is about 20 miles away, my car has decided to start acting up - something with the transmission. So my car is in the shop and Andy borrowed his mom's car for me to drive to the interview. It's always something!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
I have my house back! Yayyy!
It's Saturday morning - I finally have my house back after a week of non-stop company. Mom and William came up for Bailey's graduation and have been here all week.....which I love, I absolutely love having them here. But when they are here, my house turns into Grand Central Station because "everyone" comes here to see them. Nevermind that my two brothers and their wives have perfectly lovely homes in the area - they never say "hey, everyone come to our house tonight", it's easier to converge on my house every night. ~~~sigh~~~
Anyway, the week is over......they are on their way back to Arkansas......I've spent the morning getting my house back in order...and now it's time to get back into our routine....and enjoy the peace and quiet that are lives usually are.
In the meantime, excellent news is mine to share - I have a job interview this coming Thursday for a position in the Human Resources department of a local hospital. I am so excited and just hope I don't blow it!
Anyway, the week is over......they are on their way back to Arkansas......I've spent the morning getting my house back in order...and now it's time to get back into our routine....and enjoy the peace and quiet that are lives usually are.
In the meantime, excellent news is mine to share - I have a job interview this coming Thursday for a position in the Human Resources department of a local hospital. I am so excited and just hope I don't blow it!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
A cold in hot weather
I hate having a head cold when it's 90 degrees outside. I've been fighting a sore throat, stopped up nose and pressure in my ears since Sunday...bottom line, I feel pretty darn yucky. Blech. And my parents are here from Arkansas - I hate being sick while they're staying with us. I know I've been grouchy and no fun at all.
I have to go back to work this morning. It will just be me, the elementary secretary, the guidance counselor and two principals today. I have to get report cards out. Then summer school begins tomorrow, so there will be more people around.
I'm still looking for another job. I just really don't think I want to do another year at the school, unless something major were to change. I just don't feel happy there any more.
Wow....what a whiney blog today. Let me end on something positive. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. 24 wonderful years with a wonderful guy. Can't beat that! :-)
I have to go back to work this morning. It will just be me, the elementary secretary, the guidance counselor and two principals today. I have to get report cards out. Then summer school begins tomorrow, so there will be more people around.
I'm still looking for another job. I just really don't think I want to do another year at the school, unless something major were to change. I just don't feel happy there any more.
Wow....what a whiney blog today. Let me end on something positive. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. 24 wonderful years with a wonderful guy. Can't beat that! :-)
Sunday, May 28, 2006

It's been a hectic weekend. Graduation was beautiful and, of course, I cried like a baby. It's still so hard to believe that our baby is done with high school!
We had a party afterwards and the house was packed - and loud! So far she has gotten around $1300 - I can't believe it! She is planning to buy a laptap for school and save the rest. She is definitely Andy's child - I'd be going on a shopping spree if it were me! LOL
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I work well under pressure.....
It's 8:42 PM, the night before graduation and I'm still not ready. But I'm "almost" ready. I just finished scrubbing down the bathroom. My sister is coming tomorrow to pick up the rest of the house. Basically I just need to straighten up the kitchen and type up the baccalaureate program (the parents are hosting it).
I also need to get a few more things together to have on "display" at her open house tomorrow night. But that shouldn't take too long, either. Ugh...I'm such a procrastinator!
My day started with coffee with Andy, when out of the blue he says "So, this is Bailey's last day, huh?". What?! I immediately started crying. She walks through the kitchen and goes into the bathroom. I follow. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. She goes back to the kitchen and I hear her tell Andy "Mom's in there crying" could practically hear her eyes rolling!
Then another cry right after lunch when someone asks me how I'm handling this. And then, of course, another cry at graduation rehearsal.
Oh well, this time tomorrow night it will be over and we will be celebrating. :-)
I also need to get a few more things together to have on "display" at her open house tomorrow night. But that shouldn't take too long, either. Ugh...I'm such a procrastinator!
My day started with coffee with Andy, when out of the blue he says "So, this is Bailey's last day, huh?". What?! I immediately started crying. She walks through the kitchen and goes into the bathroom. I follow. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. She goes back to the kitchen and I hear her tell Andy "Mom's in there crying" could practically hear her eyes rolling!
Then another cry right after lunch when someone asks me how I'm handling this. And then, of course, another cry at graduation rehearsal.
Oh well, this time tomorrow night it will be over and we will be celebrating. :-)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Yet another Bailey article.....
Our senior class went to Hawaii last week, but Bailey (along with 4 other seniors) didn't go. We kept telling her she could, but she just had no interest. Anyway, she and the other 4 seniors took advantage of the absence of their fellow classmates and stayed home most of those days. It just so happened, that on Thursday Bailey was there, as was one other senior....a young man who is making his second attempt at his senior year.....
Anyway, the local newspaper called and wanted to interview one of our guess who got picked! Yep, ol' Bailey Boo! Here's a link to the article in case anyone is interested!
Also, here's the link to the last article in the Bedford Times-Mail, where they did all the features on her Shriner's surgery.
Anyway, the local newspaper called and wanted to interview one of our guess who got picked! Yep, ol' Bailey Boo! Here's a link to the article in case anyone is interested!
Also, here's the link to the last article in the Bedford Times-Mail, where they did all the features on her Shriner's surgery.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Two very proud parents!
Today was honor day at school. We already knew that Bailey was getting $2000 in scholarships - but she ended up getting $2300 more that we didn't know about, for a total of $4300.
The Ivy Tech rep met with us after the program. It is going to cost appx $1000 per semester, not including books, so her first year is definitely covered and then some. He also wanted to see her SAT scores. He said that with her math scores being so high (580), she will probably qualify to have her math credits transferred to college credits, all she has to do is take a CLEP test and pass it, which he said she should do very easily.
She also received several other awards, including Goverment, English, French, Art, Senior Math, Science, Academic Excellence, and she received her Beta cords to wear at graduation....which is.....gulp....only 4 days away!
Needless to say, Andy and I are very proud of her!
I'm getting ready to take her to the doctor here in a few minutes. She has pink eye and needs a prescription eye drop to clear it up. A lady at work had some that she let us use in order for her to be able to attend the honor program this morning. I asked Andy to take her, but then she asked if I would take her instead. I asked her why, what made the difference? And she said "I don't know, I'd just rather have you take me." This from the queen of "I'm Daddy's Little Girl"!
The Ivy Tech rep met with us after the program. It is going to cost appx $1000 per semester, not including books, so her first year is definitely covered and then some. He also wanted to see her SAT scores. He said that with her math scores being so high (580), she will probably qualify to have her math credits transferred to college credits, all she has to do is take a CLEP test and pass it, which he said she should do very easily.
She also received several other awards, including Goverment, English, French, Art, Senior Math, Science, Academic Excellence, and she received her Beta cords to wear at graduation....which is.....gulp....only 4 days away!
Needless to say, Andy and I are very proud of her!
I'm getting ready to take her to the doctor here in a few minutes. She has pink eye and needs a prescription eye drop to clear it up. A lady at work had some that she let us use in order for her to be able to attend the honor program this morning. I asked Andy to take her, but then she asked if I would take her instead. I asked her why, what made the difference? And she said "I don't know, I'd just rather have you take me." This from the queen of "I'm Daddy's Little Girl"!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Whew! What a day!
We are having a different theme each Sunday morning this month and today was my day to "be in charge". We had Spirit Day and people came dressed in their favorite sports team's gear. It was really neat to see all the different teams represented. I was even able to borrow the pompons and some of the athletic uniforms from school. My class did a skit and then the children's choir did a song we had practiced.
Then it was back home to get the program ready for pre-school graduation tonight and to try to put the kitchen back together. We just finished painting the walls last weekend and have spent the week painting the cabinets. It was a lot of work but it looks so good! I'm going to decorate in a Snoopy theme, since I already have tons of Snoopy stuff.
The youth choir was singing at the pre-school graduation and right before we left Bailey started complaining that her right eye was bothering her. By the time the program was over it was obvious she has a case of pinkeye. Of course, there's no way to get her into the doctor this evening unless we went to the emergency room. Tomorrow is honor day at school and she is being presented with 3 scholarships (that we know of) so she definitely doesn't want to miss in the morning. I called the pharmacy and they told me there is an OTC med that would get her through until after the honor program. So we ran to the pharmacy and picked it up. I also read on the internet to place a damp/cool chamomile teabag over the eye, so we've done that, too. It was really bothering her when she went to bed...I hope it's not worse in the morning.
We did have a beautiful day weather-wise. My flowers are looking really good, except for my marigolds. Something is eating part of them and I can't figure out what. I had replace about 6 of them yesterday. I gave them a good drink of Miracle Grow - hopefully that will help.
So anyway, after my very busy day today, I finally had a moment to relax on the couch with the dog after Andy and Bailey were in bed asleep when all of a sudden.....swoosh! A bat flies right by my head. I scream. I run for Andy. And he comes to my rescue, again. He was able to catch the bat and let it go outside. Stupid bat.
Then it was back home to get the program ready for pre-school graduation tonight and to try to put the kitchen back together. We just finished painting the walls last weekend and have spent the week painting the cabinets. It was a lot of work but it looks so good! I'm going to decorate in a Snoopy theme, since I already have tons of Snoopy stuff.
The youth choir was singing at the pre-school graduation and right before we left Bailey started complaining that her right eye was bothering her. By the time the program was over it was obvious she has a case of pinkeye. Of course, there's no way to get her into the doctor this evening unless we went to the emergency room. Tomorrow is honor day at school and she is being presented with 3 scholarships (that we know of) so she definitely doesn't want to miss in the morning. I called the pharmacy and they told me there is an OTC med that would get her through until after the honor program. So we ran to the pharmacy and picked it up. I also read on the internet to place a damp/cool chamomile teabag over the eye, so we've done that, too. It was really bothering her when she went to bed...I hope it's not worse in the morning.
We did have a beautiful day weather-wise. My flowers are looking really good, except for my marigolds. Something is eating part of them and I can't figure out what. I had replace about 6 of them yesterday. I gave them a good drink of Miracle Grow - hopefully that will help.
So anyway, after my very busy day today, I finally had a moment to relax on the couch with the dog after Andy and Bailey were in bed asleep when all of a sudden.....swoosh! A bat flies right by my head. I scream. I run for Andy. And he comes to my rescue, again. He was able to catch the bat and let it go outside. Stupid bat.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
A New Stage in Life is About to begin

Wow. Our youngest graduates from high school in less than a week. Unbelievable. I'm 42, a grandmother, and now I'm not going to have kids in the public school system anymore. It's amazing how life changes so fast.
I'm looking forward to this next stage though. Of course, this was always Andy's argument for not having more kids. "Just think, Teresa, we'll be 43 and 42 when Bailey graduates. We'll still be young. We're going to really start living." Huh? What have we been doing for the last 24 years together? LOL
She'll still live at home while she goes to college - Ivy Tech is about a 45 minute drive from here. But she's going to be so much more independent. And since I work at the school she attends now, it's going to be different not knowing exactly what's going on with her every single day. Her life is going to really become her own. And as a mom, and especially with her being the baby, it's a little scarey.
I am almost ready for the graduation itself. Invitations have been sent...she's already received two cards with money inside - very exciting for her! The food is ordered for the get-together afterwards. We are having ham salad, a meat tray, a fruit tray, a veggie tray, cheeseballs, chips and dip, and, of course, the obligatory cake with her picture plastered across it - something she's not happy about but I insisted on ordering. She has a "thing" about people eating her face! LOL
I'm just not ready to see her walk out in that white gown, cap on her head with the little tassel dangling, Beta cords around her neck. ~~~sigh~~~ And then to hear her name called, see her turn that tassel to the other side....then the annual toss of the caps into the air to celebrate a new stage in the seniors' lives.
So for those of you who are just starting out with your families....cradle those little ones in your arms....because before you know it, it's going to be you who is ordering meat trays, veggie trays, graduation invitations.....and you'll too wonder where the time has gone.
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