Friday, July 07, 2006

A day of decision making!

I got the job! Well, I haven't actually accepted yet. Darci called and offered it to me and then told me to take the weekend to think about it. It's not quite the money I wanted, but still almost $1/hour more than I'm making now. And the benefits are excellent. I'll be calling her first thing Monday morning to accept. I probably should have gone ahead and accepted while we were on the phone, but once she said "think it over" I decided to run it by Andy first - just to make sure he thought I was making the right decision.

And then.....we bought a new car. Driving to Bedford is going to be about 50 miles a day round trip, so we had already decided to get a new vehicle. We found a 2005 Ford Focus, 2-door, 5-speed manual transmission, 17000 miles, leather seats, heated front seats, 6-CD player/changer, sunroof and a few other niceties. Plus it gets 32/34 miles per gallon. Their asking price was $14, the time we left Andy had gotten them down to $11,400. At one point I even said, "Let's look around a little more" and we walked out. The guy literally ran out after us and said he thought he could make us a better deal. Amazing. It was my first experience of buying a car from a dealership - I was pretty amazed at all the wheeling/dealing that goes on. Andy even got them to pay a bulk of the sales tax!

So, I have had a pretty exciting day. Bailey's happy because she now officially has her own car....along with her own car payment. We are letting her have my Ford Escort Sport for what we owe on it - she has about a year of payments on it.

Anyway, that's my day in a nutshell.


d_evans said...

Congrads on the job and the new car Boops!

daionara said...

WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!! YAY BOOPS!!! Big time congrats on the job and almost got the perfect car. The four door sedan would have been better hehehe. I love my Focus (4dr sedan), I've had her since she was 8 miles old and after six years, she's still got less than 50,000 on her.

Kat said...

You should counteroffer on the could probably get a little more in your salary. I never accept the first offer a company gives.

Anonymous said...

Your new car is awesome! I hate dealing with car dealers.

I am sure Bailey is glad to Officially have her own car, car payments what an adult reponsibility!!

Glad you got the job,I know how much you didnt like your "old" job.

:0) ~Renae~ :0)