It's been a hectic week for me. Our annual Vacation Bible School was this week and I'm the director, so every day was spent at work and then every evening was spent at church. I have to say it was a great success. We had our "finale" last night, the VBS choirs performed, as did our church drama team. It really, really came off well. :-)
I've begun training my replacement at the school. I think she will do a great job and am enjoying working with her. She is quite overwhelmed right now but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it.
We'll be leaving next Friday evening to spend a week in Arkansas with my parents; then I'll come back and do my last week at the school before starting my new job. I'm nervous, but excited. I think I'm up for some new challenges.
Our new family member is fitting in great. She's just so darn cute!
Pretty soon you wil be at your new job. Hope you like it!
Sidda Lee is so cute!! :0)
:0) ~Renae~ :0)
What an adorable little dog! Wow, you sure have been busy! I figured as much. It's been so long since you updated that I was beginning to suffer blog deprivation! :P I am so excited for you, that you are so excited and upbeat. Can't wait to see how the next chapter goes.
New family member?!? What a cute little pup!!
Excitment overload! New job...new pup...what else could be on the horizon?
I never knew about the pup!! What a cutie!! And lots of luck on your new job!!!
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