Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Yet another Bailey article.....

Our senior class went to Hawaii last week, but Bailey (along with 4 other seniors) didn't go. We kept telling her she could, but she just had no interest. Anyway, she and the other 4 seniors took advantage of the absence of their fellow classmates and stayed home most of those days. It just so happened, that on Thursday Bailey was there, as was one other senior....a young man who is making his second attempt at his senior year.....

Anyway, the local newspaper called and wanted to interview one of our seniors...so guess who got picked! Yep, ol' Bailey Boo! Here's a link to the article in case anyone is interested!

Also, here's the link to the last article in the Bedford Times-Mail, where they did all the features on her Shriner's surgery.


Anonymous said...

I sure hope you're keeping all these articles and making a nice scrapbook. ;-)
I have a feeling that graduation isn't going to be the end of Bailey's fame - - such an awesome young woman!

Anonymous said...

Teresa you have every right to be Proud of Bailey she is such a good kid!! She is beautiful, smart and kind hearted.

Both the articles are very good.

Bailey will succeed in College and whatever field she goes into she will be successful!

Graduation is apporaching... soon your baby will be a college student!
:0) ~Renae~ :0)