Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A cold in hot weather

I hate having a head cold when it's 90 degrees outside. I've been fighting a sore throat, stopped up nose and pressure in my ears since Sunday...bottom line, I feel pretty darn yucky. Blech. And my parents are here from Arkansas - I hate being sick while they're staying with us. I know I've been grouchy and no fun at all.

I have to go back to work this morning. It will just be me, the elementary secretary, the guidance counselor and two principals today. I have to get report cards out. Then summer school begins tomorrow, so there will be more people around.

I'm still looking for another job. I just really don't think I want to do another year at the school, unless something major were to change. I just don't feel happy there any more.

Wow....what a whiney blog today. Let me end on something positive. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. 24 wonderful years with a wonderful guy. Can't beat that! :-)

1 comment:

Kat said...

I hope you feel better soon Teresa!