Wow. Our youngest graduates from high school in less than a week. Unbelievable. I'm 42, a grandmother, and now I'm not going to have kids in the public school system anymore. It's amazing how life changes so fast.
I'm looking forward to this next stage though. Of course, this was always Andy's argument for not having more kids. "Just think, Teresa, we'll be 43 and 42 when Bailey graduates. We'll still be young. We're going to really start living." Huh? What have we been doing for the last 24 years together? LOL
She'll still live at home while she goes to college - Ivy Tech is about a 45 minute drive from here. But she's going to be so much more independent. And since I work at the school she attends now, it's going to be different not knowing exactly what's going on with her every single day. Her life is going to really become her own. And as a mom, and especially with her being the baby, it's a little scarey.
I am almost ready for the graduation itself. Invitations have been sent...she's already received two cards with money inside - very exciting for her! The food is ordered for the get-together afterwards. We are having ham salad, a meat tray, a fruit tray, a veggie tray, cheeseballs, chips and dip, and, of course, the obligatory cake with her picture plastered across it - something she's not happy about but I insisted on ordering. She has a "thing" about people eating her face! LOL
I'm just not ready to see her walk out in that white gown, cap on her head with the little tassel dangling, Beta cords around her neck. ~~~sigh~~~ And then to hear her name called, see her turn that tassel to the other side....then the annual toss of the caps into the air to celebrate a new stage in the seniors' lives.
So for those of you who are just starting out with your families....cradle those little ones in your arms....because before you know it, it's going to be you who is ordering meat trays, veggie trays, graduation invitations.....and you'll too wonder where the time has gone.
First of all, whoodathunk that you would become a blogger???
Second, a huge Congratulations to Bailey and best wishes for the future!
Third, I truly hope that you and Andy enjoy your empty nest. Of course, Colin will always be there to fill it up for you :-)
Luv 'ya!
Teresa a Blogger!
Men!! Dave was the same way "we will still be young when our daughter is out of High School!" ( I will be 42, he will be 48).
Yes they grow up so fast,in the blink of an eye your baby is not a kid any more! I know you and Andy will Enjoy this stage of your life!
College life will be the begining of adulthood for her! Next thing you know you will be planning a wedding have another son(in-law), another grandchild.
I am sure the cake and Graduation party will be wonderful.
Haha at least everyone will be eating a beautiful face :0)
:0) ~Renae~ :0)
Wow, your last statement gave me chills! I don't want my baby to grow up!
Congrads to Bailey, and hugs to you Boops!
Teresa,I miss you from you-know-where.
In a world full of cubic zirconias, you are truly a diamond.
Please stay in touch. PREFerably you-know-where. ;) el
I'm so excited that you are a blogger Teresa!! I don't want my babies to grow up yet either! Isaiah is only 6 and I can see him at that age. I'll be a blubbering fool. Much love and many prayers for you, sweetie. Hope graduation is great for you and Bailey! :)
give Miss Bailey & HUGE HUG for me!!!!
Katy is 12 & I still don't want her to grow up anymore! (she is already 5' 4")
I miss you!
Its going to be a huge change for both Bailey and you and Andy. She will grow wings and fly - and you and Andy can sit back comfortably knowing that as parents you did all that you possibly could to give her the courage to do that. She's so very lucky to have parents like you two, and such a strong, loving family to support her. She will go far, with your love guiding the way.
Good Luck Bailey!!!! Spread those wings, girlfriend!
Teresa, I know exactly what you are feeling. With one about to be married, another about to graduate, one trying her best to be as old as her older sibs and one... I don't know what happened to the baby... I blinked...
If you ever figure out how to handle all this, please pass your secret. (((((Teresa)))))
I love Andy's comments...I just made a post about being a "young Mom" and how that is now gone, for me. At least I can be young at heart, right?!
Congrats on the blogging! And, congratulations to Bailey!!! I'm linking you!
That photo of Bailey is *gorgeous*!!!
I have little ones here, but with the oldest already ordering class rings and prom and everything else, I totally feel your pain. But I'm happy in the Land of Denial.
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