Saturday, June 03, 2006

I have my house back! Yayyy!

It's Saturday morning - I finally have my house back after a week of non-stop company. Mom and William came up for Bailey's graduation and have been here all week.....which I love, I absolutely love having them here. But when they are here, my house turns into Grand Central Station because "everyone" comes here to see them. Nevermind that my two brothers and their wives have perfectly lovely homes in the area - they never say "hey, everyone come to our house tonight", it's easier to converge on my house every night. ~~~sigh~~~

Anyway, the week is over......they are on their way back to Arkansas......I've spent the morning getting my house back in order...and now it's time to get back into our routine....and enjoy the peace and quiet that are lives usually are.

In the meantime, excellent news is mine to share - I have a job interview this coming Thursday for a position in the Human Resources department of a local hospital. I am so excited and just hope I don't blow it!


Kat said...

I have an empty house, and you're jealous - you have a full house and *I'm* jealous!!!

Good luck on the interview! I'm sure you will do great. (Plus - working at a hospital will provide some great health benefits!)

Anonymous said...

Glad you have your house back. It is always hectic with houseguests.

Good Luck on the interview this week.I know how much you want a different job.

You won't blow it. You will give a great interview!

:0) ~Renae~ :0)