I just felt the need to post about Andy today. We were married for 24 years on May 29th. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't whisper (sometimes even yell) a thank you to God for giving him to me.
He is even-tempered, easy-going, and too funny. He is handsome. He has a great butt (I threw that in for Brenda). And we have a great time together. His sister once told us she couldn't believe we ever had kids because she couldn't imagine us ever being serious long enough to conceive. We just enjoy being together.
He loves his job and takes it very seriously, but the girls and I have always come first in his life. And it's a nice little life that we've created together. A lot of people would call it "boring", but it's not to us. What could be more wonderful that sitting on the front porch, having a cup of coffee together and talking about our day's events together? Okay, him listening to me talk about my day's events...that's really what it's more like....but at least he listens! LOL
Don't get me wrong, we've had our rough patches. But they really have been few and far between. And now, after 24 years, we're at that place where we are truly comfortable with each other.
He adores his family - especially his two girls. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for them - and he is ferociously protective of them. The first time he had to drop Ashley off at daycare he came home that day and said "I don't see how you do that everyday" because he couldn't stand leaving her there. I remember him being heartbroken when we found out about Bailey's birth defects. I think that was probably the first time I saw him cry.
I used to love watching him play with the girls....and now I thoroughly enjoy watching him play with our grandson. They seem to have some sort of kindred spirit.
Through the years he has been my strength, my confidante, and truly my friend....and for that I think he deserves a post on my blog that is all about him!
Andy is a great guy & good husband,just as you are a wonderful wife and mom.
You two are perfect for each other!
Next Anniversary will be your 25th!!! Not alot of people nowdays make it together that long. Good for you two!!
You set a great example of what a marriage is all about.
:0) ~Renae~ :0)
*sniff, sniff*
Thanks for the cry this morning!
Andy sounds awesome. I almost cried as I read this. Robert is a lot like Andy in a lot of ways, but there are still days when I want to throttle him--today being one of those days. Tomorrow I will be back to "thank God he's mine", but until then, I guess he will just have to keep pulling those daggars outta the back of his head. *gives Robert the hairy eyeball*
You are such a compliment to him Teresa. He's just as lucky to have you as you are to have him. A match made in heaven. You two are truely blessed.
I know a woman who is a part of a couple as devoted as you and Andy. She's also of the same faith that you are. I'm starting to wonder if I should go to her church LOL
What a beautiful post!
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