Friday, June 09, 2006

The Interview

Well, I think it went really, really well. I had to answer two pages of those crazy interview questions, but I think I handled it okay. The interviewer took me to the cafeteria for coffee - we had the place to ourselves - and we chatted for a long time, doing a lot of laughing. She walked me all the way to the front door of the hospital when I left - wonder if that's a good sign?

They have great benefits - and I really think I would enjoy working there. I also found out there's an opening in the payroll department and they have already pulled my resume and application for that position, too. My friend who works there said that would actually pay a little more.

And about the is projected to start at a little less than I make now. So she says "let's say we hire you and you get to name your price - how much would you ask for?" I told her $12/hour, which is almost $2/hour more than what they have "projected". She said that my office experience would definitely be taken into consideration and, if hired, I would probably start at closer to the $12/hour.

Now - I had told Brad (our elementary principal) about the interview because he is one of my references and I knew that he wouldn't breathe a word to anyone. But as I was leaving work early yesterday, one of the janitors said "Where ya goin' Teresa? Got a big job interview or something?" Being the horrible liar that I am, as well as being caught off guard, I said "Yes, but it's just an interview - probably nothing will come of it."

Well, Brad tells me today that the superintendent found out about it (gotta love a small town) and asked Brad if he knew about it. He's upset and is planning to talk to me next week to convince me to stay....which is crazy because I don't even have the job yet and may not get it. Plus, now I feel like I'd better go ahead and tell my boss - if he doesn't already know - which he probably does. So I guess I'll tell him first thing Monday morning and just get everything out in the open.

Of course, now if I don't get the job, I'll feel like a slug. I really wish it hadn't been found out, but oh well, what can you do?


Anonymous said...

I hope you got the job. :0)

Sorry that Brad had to open his mouth and tell the Superintendant about your interview.
:0) ~Renae~ :0)

Kat said...

You can totally use this to your advantage Teresa. This happened to me just recently...employers have to realize that their employees will look around, whether they are happy or unhappy with where they are at. The focus is to move up - not stay lateral. This position at the hospital sounds really promising, and a good move for you. Just tell your boss that although you are not unhappy (meaning you like working for him, and enjoy the school), you saw this position posted, and it seemed like a good fit, so you checked it out. Goodness knows, if he came across something interesting, he'd probably look too! But also let him know that *you* wanted to tell him before anyone else, out of a matter of respect. No burnt bridges!!!!