Thursday, October 12, 2006

I got a phone call.....

at 6:45 am on Tuesday morning. It was the lady who took my place at the school. She was upset and said she needed to meet with me, that she "can't handle all of this".

So I went there after I got off work. Things are bad there. There's been a climate control study conducted on our principal - which came back terribly negative. She said he's about to have a breakdown. She said the kids are out of control and there's no discipline, basically the animals are running the zoo.

Then we moved on to the accounting part. She has a stack of bills she hasn't paid yet because she "doesn't have time". Hello? You have to make time to do that - the extra-curricular bills have to be paid. She has bills that she doesn't have receipts for because either the teachers haven't given them to her or she has lost them. She's been keying in the checks/deposits into the computer system wrong. She hasn't been filling out the proper paperwork to pay refs for the games. Yikes. I told her I would come in and help her get organized, but they will have to pay me to do it....which I doubt the superintendent would be willing to do.

My main concern is the accounting part. She really just doesn't know what she's doing and I feel really bad for her. She was placed in a job that she simply isn't qualified to do.

She told me the library aide is quitting and if she does, she would like to take her job and thinks I need to come back and take my job back over. Yeah. Right. I'll be sure and do that right away. I don't think it's totally out of the question, but they would have to ask me to come back and make it worth my while financially. Which won't happen.

I told her to call the corporation treasurer, who works out of the superintendent's office, and meet with her. I told her to show her everything she has shown me and tell her everything she has told me, and that together they would get it straightened out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are much nicer than I would be!

It is unbelievable that after all this time, that someone has the nerve to call you and expect you to fix a mess!

I hope that you are not perpetually bothered by your former place of employment! :0)

:0) ~Renae~ :0)