Saturday, September 23, 2006

New job, No regrets

I haven't posted in a while, so thought maybe I'd better put something in here.

I love my new job....did you all hear that? Love it, love it, love it! It's such a perfect fit for me. I've already implemented a couple of new ideas that my supervisor has approved and seems to be happy with. I'm working my butt off to impress everyone - my goal is to move up. Actually, my goal is be on the 4th floor - where the "initials" all work....CEO, CCO, CFO, COO, etc.

I love the two ladies I work with. They have gone out of the way to make me feel welcome and to spend lots of time training me. I have to say, it seems like I'm picking things up pretty quickly and my old self-confidence is coming back.

I had been warned by a couple of different people about one of those ladies (to watch my back), but, for now, I see nothing of what they were talking about it. I'm not going to let others opinions influence me. After coming out of the situation I just did at my other job, I want nothing but peace and harmony here and that's what I'm striving for.

About my "old" job. Phone calls, e-mails, name it...I'm getting them weekly from friends and former co-workers , although it has slowed down a bit. Sounds like things are a bit in turmoil over there. Someone even told me yesterday that my former boss said he would give me part of his salary to come back. Yeah. Right. I've also been told there's kind of a battle of words going on about "who's fault" it is that I left.

Bottom's nobody's fault. I chose to leave because I didn't like the person I was becoming....negative, grouchy, always stressed out. And, quite frankly, I didn't feel appreciated. Yes, there were people who helped my decision along, but to say it was any one person's fault is not fair to anyone who is still there.

The person I talked to last night said "Ever since you left, it's like all the goodness and sweetness is gone from the office and all that's left is lying and back-stabbing."

And I almost feel guilty that I feel so content in my new job. Almost.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you like your new job and that you've gotten away from all the stress that you experienced in the old job.
Good Riddance! :-)

Anonymous said...

What Debbie said! You deserve this wonderful new job and the peace of mind that it brings you. :- )


Tiffany said...

You will be on the 4th floor before we know it...I am so glad that the stress from that old job is gone. Stay often.

daionara said...

I love it, "I almost feel guilty, almost". I'm glad you're loving your new career!

Kat said...

How could it not be anything but fabulous?! It was truly the perfect fit!