Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I hate waiting :-(

Okay, so the 2nd interview was today. Another manager sat in on this one and asked some of the same questions from the first interview. I think it went pretty well. They are going to make a decision on Friday and call me then. Ugh. I hate waiting (please refer to the title of this post if that wasn't clear enough. LOL)

The superintendent tried to call me about 30 minutes ago. We have caller ID and I really didn't want to talk to him. I'm sure he was calling to see what I found out. I wish he would just go ahead and make me an offer to stay if he's going to, instead of waiting to see if they offer me the job or not. I would stay if the money were right and if he would give me holidays off with pay without having to use my vacation days - but it would have to be pretty substantial raise. And I really can't see that happening.

And I really think I would like this new job. Oh well, I just have to wait and see (and I hate waiting!).

In the meantime, we went to Ivy Tech yesterday and Bailey is now officially enrolled as a college student. She has decided to pursue a business degree and an interior design degree at the same time. They told her she could earn both in 3 years if she goes during the summer, too. We are going to set up a CLEP exam and hopefully she will test out of math and her high school credits will transfer....we may try for English and Science, as well. They are pretty impressed with her SAT scores. One gentleman referred to them as "impressive" and the lady in admissions said they were "excellent". She doesn't have to take any pre-admission testing since they are so high. Can we say "proud mother" or what?! She gets that from me! LOL


Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the second interview! I hope you get the job.

I hope Bailey can test out of some classes , makes it easier and one less class to take.

:0) ~Renae~ :0)

daionara said...

LUCK LUCK LUCK on the interview.