Okay, so the 2nd interview was today. Another manager sat in on this one and asked some of the same questions from the first interview. I think it went pretty well. They are going to make a decision on Friday and call me then. Ugh. I hate waiting (please refer to the title of this post if that wasn't clear enough. LOL)
The superintendent tried to call me about 30 minutes ago. We have caller ID and I really didn't want to talk to him. I'm sure he was calling to see what I found out. I wish he would just go ahead and make me an offer to stay if he's going to, instead of waiting to see if they offer me the job or not. I would stay if the money were right and if he would give me holidays off with pay without having to use my vacation days - but it would have to be pretty substantial raise. And I really can't see that happening.
And I really think I would like this new job. Oh well, I just have to wait and see (and I hate waiting!).
In the meantime, we went to Ivy Tech yesterday and Bailey is now officially enrolled as a college student. She has decided to pursue a business degree and an interior design degree at the same time. They told her she could earn both in 3 years if she goes during the summer, too. We are going to set up a CLEP exam and hopefully she will test out of math and her high school credits will transfer....we may try for English and Science, as well. They are pretty impressed with her SAT scores. One gentleman referred to them as "impressive" and the lady in admissions said they were "excellent". She doesn't have to take any pre-admission testing since they are so high. Can we say "proud mother" or what?! She gets that from me! LOL
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
I have a 2nd interview on Wednesday!
I got a call today from the hospital asking me to come in for a second interview on Wednesday. My friend, Kim, who works there, called me and said the director of Human Resources asked her if she thought I was still interested in the job. She told Kim that I was by far her best interview and she loved my professionalism and sense of humor! I'm so excited!
Friday, June 23, 2006
What a week....

and not in a good way.
Monday - storms that included very strong winds, rain, and hail. We lost a limb out of one of our trees, but rescued two doves who flew away the next day.
Tuesday - found out my sister has some sort of cystic lesion on her brain - absolutely no idea what that means - we are still awaiting word from the doctor.
Wednesday - trip to Chicago for a check-up on Bailey's spine (scoliosis). The doctor told us that since she has "so many" fused vertebrae in the cervical spine, that eventually the discs will begin to deteriorate. Ugh. They gave her exercises to keep her neck and shoulders loose....now if I can only get her to do them twice a day.
Thursday - received a phone call telling me that Peggy's dad (Peggy being my best friend in the whole world) was taken to the hospital, dying. He was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease about 10 weeks ago and went downhill fast. I spent all of the afternoon and most of the evening in the waiting room of the ICU with her and her family.
Friday - Peggy's dad passed away. Got a phone call from my mom telling me that my most favorite uncle, Donn, has cancer of the lymph nodes.
Still no word yet on my job interview....I'm assuming there's a letter in the mail on it's way to me, thanking me for interviewing and telling me that the position has now been filled. Andy and I haven't had any "us" time in over a week and both of our weekends are filled up - but with different activities so I won't see him much then either. I think we're due for a "date night" pretty soon.
Ugh. Must close this post on a positive note........hmmmmmm......
Colin is the most adorable grandson anyone could ever ask for. Okay - that puts a smile on my face.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
My Husband

I just felt the need to post about Andy today. We were married for 24 years on May 29th. And there isn't a day that goes by that I don't whisper (sometimes even yell) a thank you to God for giving him to me.
He is even-tempered, easy-going, and too funny. He is handsome. He has a great butt (I threw that in for Brenda). And we have a great time together. His sister once told us she couldn't believe we ever had kids because she couldn't imagine us ever being serious long enough to conceive. We just enjoy being together.
He loves his job and takes it very seriously, but the girls and I have always come first in his life. And it's a nice little life that we've created together. A lot of people would call it "boring", but it's not to us. What could be more wonderful that sitting on the front porch, having a cup of coffee together and talking about our day's events together? Okay, him listening to me talk about my day's events...that's really what it's more like....but at least he listens! LOL
Don't get me wrong, we've had our rough patches. But they really have been few and far between. And now, after 24 years, we're at that place where we are truly comfortable with each other.
He adores his family - especially his two girls. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for them - and he is ferociously protective of them. The first time he had to drop Ashley off at daycare he came home that day and said "I don't see how you do that everyday" because he couldn't stand leaving her there. I remember him being heartbroken when we found out about Bailey's birth defects. I think that was probably the first time I saw him cry.
I used to love watching him play with the girls....and now I thoroughly enjoy watching him play with our grandson. They seem to have some sort of kindred spirit.
Through the years he has been my strength, my confidante, and truly my friend....and for that I think he deserves a post on my blog that is all about him!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Why I Love a Small Town
I love living in a small town. Sometimes it's frustrating because everyone knows everybody's business. For instance - I had a job interview last Thursday....by Saturday I had received a phone call from someone wanting my job at the school.....by Monday it was all over town that I was leaving the school (I have to keep telling people it was just an interview!) Tell one person something and within a few days, it's all over! LOL
But tonight Andy and I spent our evening on a bike ride. We stopped by our church to watch the little kids having a bike-a-thon to raise money for camp. While there I "babysat" one of the girl's new pet turtle that she just found yesterday.
Then we rode to the ballpark and watched the 6, 7 and 8 year-olds play t-ball....it's more fun watching the parents! Half of the town was there cheering those kids on.
Then we rode our bikes home, watered our flowers, and are enjoying a quiet evening.
I love living in a small town.
But tonight Andy and I spent our evening on a bike ride. We stopped by our church to watch the little kids having a bike-a-thon to raise money for camp. While there I "babysat" one of the girl's new pet turtle that she just found yesterday.
Then we rode to the ballpark and watched the 6, 7 and 8 year-olds play t-ball....it's more fun watching the parents! Half of the town was there cheering those kids on.
Then we rode our bikes home, watered our flowers, and are enjoying a quiet evening.
I love living in a small town.
Monday, June 12, 2006
A Vent - Just need to get it off my chest.
I love my husband's family. I love his mother; I love his brothers; and I love his three sisters. We all get along really well.
But I have an issue with them. They all - at one time- attended church. None of them do now. That is their business, not mine. I almost never discuss church with them unless one of them brings it up.
There are several grandchildren and neices/nephews in the family. Several of them have participated in sports over the years in school. "The Family" never misses a ballgame. One of the great-grandchildren is now playing T-ball...everyone goes to the ballgame.
In the 12 years that we have lived back in Indiana, my girls have been very involved in church activities and no sports. They have been in Christmas plays and Easter plays every year. How many times do you think Andy's family has come to see them in their church programs? I think one of Andy's sisters came once.
It's always bothered me, but I've always let it go. I figure they don't want to go to church activities because it makes them feel guilty about not attending.
I don't know when Bailey came to this realization - maybe it's because there's a t-ball game tonight and we just got the "reminder" phone call to go watch. But, with tears in her eyes, she just said "Why does everyone drop what they're doing when there's a game, but no one ever comes to watch me when my drama team performs at church?"
I wish I had an answer for her.
But I have an issue with them. They all - at one time- attended church. None of them do now. That is their business, not mine. I almost never discuss church with them unless one of them brings it up.
There are several grandchildren and neices/nephews in the family. Several of them have participated in sports over the years in school. "The Family" never misses a ballgame. One of the great-grandchildren is now playing T-ball...everyone goes to the ballgame.
In the 12 years that we have lived back in Indiana, my girls have been very involved in church activities and no sports. They have been in Christmas plays and Easter plays every year. How many times do you think Andy's family has come to see them in their church programs? I think one of Andy's sisters came once.
It's always bothered me, but I've always let it go. I figure they don't want to go to church activities because it makes them feel guilty about not attending.
I don't know when Bailey came to this realization - maybe it's because there's a t-ball game tonight and we just got the "reminder" phone call to go watch. But, with tears in her eyes, she just said "Why does everyone drop what they're doing when there's a game, but no one ever comes to watch me when my drama team performs at church?"
I wish I had an answer for her.
I think I may be insulted!
A little history....last Tuesday I stayed home with a really bad migraine. Thursday afternoon was my job interview.
Today I decided to go ahead and tell my boss about the interview because word was getting out and I didn't want him to feel like he was the "last to know" - he's very funny about stuff like that. He seemed disappointed and asked a few questions and then "well, okay". Then before I left his office he said "So, by the way, when you were 'home with a headache' last Tuesday, is this when you had the interview?". I said, "No, I was home with a headache on Tuesday - my interview was Thursday - the day I told you I needed to leave early."
I can't believe it! He practically accused me of lying about being sick - which I find really insulting. Maybe I'm making too much out of it.
Today I decided to go ahead and tell my boss about the interview because word was getting out and I didn't want him to feel like he was the "last to know" - he's very funny about stuff like that. He seemed disappointed and asked a few questions and then "well, okay". Then before I left his office he said "So, by the way, when you were 'home with a headache' last Tuesday, is this when you had the interview?". I said, "No, I was home with a headache on Tuesday - my interview was Thursday - the day I told you I needed to leave early."
I can't believe it! He practically accused me of lying about being sick - which I find really insulting. Maybe I'm making too much out of it.
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Interview
Well, I think it went really, really well. I had to answer two pages of those crazy interview questions, but I think I handled it okay. The interviewer took me to the cafeteria for coffee - we had the place to ourselves - and we chatted for a long time, doing a lot of laughing. She walked me all the way to the front door of the hospital when I left - wonder if that's a good sign?
They have great benefits - and I really think I would enjoy working there. I also found out there's an opening in the payroll department and they have already pulled my resume and application for that position, too. My friend who works there said that would actually pay a little more.
And about the pay....it is projected to start at a little less than I make now. So she says "let's say we hire you and you get to name your price - how much would you ask for?" I told her $12/hour, which is almost $2/hour more than what they have "projected". She said that my office experience would definitely be taken into consideration and, if hired, I would probably start at closer to the $12/hour.
Now - I had told Brad (our elementary principal) about the interview because he is one of my references and I knew that he wouldn't breathe a word to anyone. But as I was leaving work early yesterday, one of the janitors said "Where ya goin' Teresa? Got a big job interview or something?" Being the horrible liar that I am, as well as being caught off guard, I said "Yes, but it's just an interview - probably nothing will come of it."
Well, Brad tells me today that the superintendent found out about it (gotta love a small town) and asked Brad if he knew about it. He's upset and is planning to talk to me next week to convince me to stay....which is crazy because I don't even have the job yet and may not get it. Plus, now I feel like I'd better go ahead and tell my boss - if he doesn't already know - which he probably does. So I guess I'll tell him first thing Monday morning and just get everything out in the open.
Of course, now if I don't get the job, I'll feel like a slug. I really wish it hadn't been found out, but oh well, what can you do?
They have great benefits - and I really think I would enjoy working there. I also found out there's an opening in the payroll department and they have already pulled my resume and application for that position, too. My friend who works there said that would actually pay a little more.
And about the pay....it is projected to start at a little less than I make now. So she says "let's say we hire you and you get to name your price - how much would you ask for?" I told her $12/hour, which is almost $2/hour more than what they have "projected". She said that my office experience would definitely be taken into consideration and, if hired, I would probably start at closer to the $12/hour.
Now - I had told Brad (our elementary principal) about the interview because he is one of my references and I knew that he wouldn't breathe a word to anyone. But as I was leaving work early yesterday, one of the janitors said "Where ya goin' Teresa? Got a big job interview or something?" Being the horrible liar that I am, as well as being caught off guard, I said "Yes, but it's just an interview - probably nothing will come of it."
Well, Brad tells me today that the superintendent found out about it (gotta love a small town) and asked Brad if he knew about it. He's upset and is planning to talk to me next week to convince me to stay....which is crazy because I don't even have the job yet and may not get it. Plus, now I feel like I'd better go ahead and tell my boss - if he doesn't already know - which he probably does. So I guess I'll tell him first thing Monday morning and just get everything out in the open.
Of course, now if I don't get the job, I'll feel like a slug. I really wish it hadn't been found out, but oh well, what can you do?
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Interviewing Tomorrow
I have an interview tomorrow at 2:30 for a position in the Human Resources department of a local hospital....something I'm sure I'd love to do. I've worked at the school for almost 11 years and it's a huge decision to leave, but I feel like I'm ready for a change. It's especially easier now that Bailey has graduated. Of course, just because I'm interviewing doesn't mean I have the job, does it?
Bailey had an interview today at Movie Gallery. She has got to get a job! The lady who interviewed her today seemed to really like her (according to Bailey) and wants her to interview with another manager. She (the lady who interviewed Bailey) tried to call the other manager today, but couldn't get a hold of her. She told Bailey she will call her with the time and date of the next interview as soon as she talks to the other manager. Very promising, I think.
Of course, since I have an interview tomorrow that is about 20 miles away, my car has decided to start acting up - something with the transmission. So my car is in the shop and Andy borrowed his mom's car for me to drive to the interview. It's always something!
Bailey had an interview today at Movie Gallery. She has got to get a job! The lady who interviewed her today seemed to really like her (according to Bailey) and wants her to interview with another manager. She (the lady who interviewed Bailey) tried to call the other manager today, but couldn't get a hold of her. She told Bailey she will call her with the time and date of the next interview as soon as she talks to the other manager. Very promising, I think.
Of course, since I have an interview tomorrow that is about 20 miles away, my car has decided to start acting up - something with the transmission. So my car is in the shop and Andy borrowed his mom's car for me to drive to the interview. It's always something!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
I have my house back! Yayyy!
It's Saturday morning - I finally have my house back after a week of non-stop company. Mom and William came up for Bailey's graduation and have been here all week.....which I love, I absolutely love having them here. But when they are here, my house turns into Grand Central Station because "everyone" comes here to see them. Nevermind that my two brothers and their wives have perfectly lovely homes in the area - they never say "hey, everyone come to our house tonight".....no, it's easier to converge on my house every night. ~~~sigh~~~
Anyway, the week is over......they are on their way back to Arkansas......I've spent the morning getting my house back in order...and now it's time to get back into our routine....and enjoy the peace and quiet that are lives usually are.
In the meantime, excellent news is mine to share - I have a job interview this coming Thursday for a position in the Human Resources department of a local hospital. I am so excited and just hope I don't blow it!
Anyway, the week is over......they are on their way back to Arkansas......I've spent the morning getting my house back in order...and now it's time to get back into our routine....and enjoy the peace and quiet that are lives usually are.
In the meantime, excellent news is mine to share - I have a job interview this coming Thursday for a position in the Human Resources department of a local hospital. I am so excited and just hope I don't blow it!
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