Monday, May 22, 2006

Two very proud parents!

Today was honor day at school. We already knew that Bailey was getting $2000 in scholarships - but she ended up getting $2300 more that we didn't know about, for a total of $4300.

The Ivy Tech rep met with us after the program. It is going to cost appx $1000 per semester, not including books, so her first year is definitely covered and then some. He also wanted to see her SAT scores. He said that with her math scores being so high (580), she will probably qualify to have her math credits transferred to college credits, all she has to do is take a CLEP test and pass it, which he said she should do very easily.

She also received several other awards, including Goverment, English, French, Art, Senior Math, Science, Academic Excellence, and she received her Beta cords to wear at graduation....which is.....gulp....only 4 days away!

Needless to say, Andy and I are very proud of her!

I'm getting ready to take her to the doctor here in a few minutes. She has pink eye and needs a prescription eye drop to clear it up. A lady at work had some that she let us use in order for her to be able to attend the honor program this morning. I asked Andy to take her, but then she asked if I would take her instead. I asked her why, what made the difference? And she said "I don't know, I'd just rather have you take me." This from the queen of "I'm Daddy's Little Girl"!


Brenda said...

Whoa - major congrats! I bet you two are proud - what a testament to your parenting.

Our high school here had a graduating class of right around 100, give or take a few. The district gave out $578,000+ in scholarships. It's amazing! Glad to see Bailey rakin' it in after working so hard for all these years!

Anonymous said...

Good for Bailey! That is awesome that she has that much scholarship money!

You and Andy have a right to be proud! What a smart & good daughter you have!

Hope her eye is getting, better a few days on the medicated drops and she will be doing better.

Sometimes a dauhter just wants her mom, Daddy's Girl or not.

:0) ~Renae~ :0)

Anonymous said...

Good for Bailey! That is awesome that she has that much scholarship money!

You and Andy have a right to be proud! What a smart & good daughter you have!

Hope her eye is getting, better a few days on the medicated drops and she will be doing better.

Sometimes a dauhter just wants her mom, Daddy's Girl or not.

:0) ~Renae~ :0)

Kat said...

Pink eye is one of those things that make me quiver in my shoes! (I'm one of those babies that can't even put drops in my eyes without crying!)

Go Bailey!