I hate having a head cold when it's 90 degrees outside. I've been fighting a sore throat, stopped up nose and pressure in my ears since Sunday...bottom line, I feel pretty darn yucky. Blech. And my parents are here from Arkansas - I hate being sick while they're staying with us. I know I've been grouchy and no fun at all.
I have to go back to work this morning. It will just be me, the elementary secretary, the guidance counselor and two principals today. I have to get report cards out. Then summer school begins tomorrow, so there will be more people around.
I'm still looking for another job. I just really don't think I want to do another year at the school, unless something major were to change. I just don't feel happy there any more.
Wow....what a whiney blog today. Let me end on something positive. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. 24 wonderful years with a wonderful guy. Can't beat that! :-)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006

It's been a hectic weekend. Graduation was beautiful and, of course, I cried like a baby. It's still so hard to believe that our baby is done with high school!
We had a party afterwards and the house was packed - and loud! So far she has gotten around $1300 - I can't believe it! She is planning to buy a laptap for school and save the rest. She is definitely Andy's child - I'd be going on a shopping spree if it were me! LOL
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I work well under pressure.....
It's 8:42 PM, the night before graduation and I'm still not ready. But I'm "almost" ready. I just finished scrubbing down the bathroom. My sister is coming tomorrow to pick up the rest of the house. Basically I just need to straighten up the kitchen and type up the baccalaureate program (the parents are hosting it).
I also need to get a few more things together to have on "display" at her open house tomorrow night. But that shouldn't take too long, either. Ugh...I'm such a procrastinator!
My day started with coffee with Andy, when out of the blue he says "So, this is Bailey's last day, huh?". What?! I immediately started crying. She walks through the kitchen and goes into the bathroom. I follow. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. She goes back to the kitchen and I hear her tell Andy "Mom's in there crying"....you could practically hear her eyes rolling!
Then another cry right after lunch when someone asks me how I'm handling this. And then, of course, another cry at graduation rehearsal.
Oh well, this time tomorrow night it will be over and we will be celebrating. :-)
I also need to get a few more things together to have on "display" at her open house tomorrow night. But that shouldn't take too long, either. Ugh...I'm such a procrastinator!
My day started with coffee with Andy, when out of the blue he says "So, this is Bailey's last day, huh?". What?! I immediately started crying. She walks through the kitchen and goes into the bathroom. I follow. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. She goes back to the kitchen and I hear her tell Andy "Mom's in there crying"....you could practically hear her eyes rolling!
Then another cry right after lunch when someone asks me how I'm handling this. And then, of course, another cry at graduation rehearsal.
Oh well, this time tomorrow night it will be over and we will be celebrating. :-)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Yet another Bailey article.....
Our senior class went to Hawaii last week, but Bailey (along with 4 other seniors) didn't go. We kept telling her she could, but she just had no interest. Anyway, she and the other 4 seniors took advantage of the absence of their fellow classmates and stayed home most of those days. It just so happened, that on Thursday Bailey was there, as was one other senior....a young man who is making his second attempt at his senior year.....
Anyway, the local newspaper called and wanted to interview one of our seniors...so guess who got picked! Yep, ol' Bailey Boo! Here's a link to the article in case anyone is interested!
Also, here's the link to the last article in the Bedford Times-Mail, where they did all the features on her Shriner's surgery.
Anyway, the local newspaper called and wanted to interview one of our seniors...so guess who got picked! Yep, ol' Bailey Boo! Here's a link to the article in case anyone is interested!
Also, here's the link to the last article in the Bedford Times-Mail, where they did all the features on her Shriner's surgery.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Two very proud parents!
Today was honor day at school. We already knew that Bailey was getting $2000 in scholarships - but she ended up getting $2300 more that we didn't know about, for a total of $4300.
The Ivy Tech rep met with us after the program. It is going to cost appx $1000 per semester, not including books, so her first year is definitely covered and then some. He also wanted to see her SAT scores. He said that with her math scores being so high (580), she will probably qualify to have her math credits transferred to college credits, all she has to do is take a CLEP test and pass it, which he said she should do very easily.
She also received several other awards, including Goverment, English, French, Art, Senior Math, Science, Academic Excellence, and she received her Beta cords to wear at graduation....which is.....gulp....only 4 days away!
Needless to say, Andy and I are very proud of her!
I'm getting ready to take her to the doctor here in a few minutes. She has pink eye and needs a prescription eye drop to clear it up. A lady at work had some that she let us use in order for her to be able to attend the honor program this morning. I asked Andy to take her, but then she asked if I would take her instead. I asked her why, what made the difference? And she said "I don't know, I'd just rather have you take me." This from the queen of "I'm Daddy's Little Girl"!
The Ivy Tech rep met with us after the program. It is going to cost appx $1000 per semester, not including books, so her first year is definitely covered and then some. He also wanted to see her SAT scores. He said that with her math scores being so high (580), she will probably qualify to have her math credits transferred to college credits, all she has to do is take a CLEP test and pass it, which he said she should do very easily.
She also received several other awards, including Goverment, English, French, Art, Senior Math, Science, Academic Excellence, and she received her Beta cords to wear at graduation....which is.....gulp....only 4 days away!
Needless to say, Andy and I are very proud of her!
I'm getting ready to take her to the doctor here in a few minutes. She has pink eye and needs a prescription eye drop to clear it up. A lady at work had some that she let us use in order for her to be able to attend the honor program this morning. I asked Andy to take her, but then she asked if I would take her instead. I asked her why, what made the difference? And she said "I don't know, I'd just rather have you take me." This from the queen of "I'm Daddy's Little Girl"!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Whew! What a day!
We are having a different theme each Sunday morning this month and today was my day to "be in charge". We had Spirit Day and people came dressed in their favorite sports team's gear. It was really neat to see all the different teams represented. I was even able to borrow the pompons and some of the athletic uniforms from school. My class did a skit and then the children's choir did a song we had practiced.
Then it was back home to get the program ready for pre-school graduation tonight and to try to put the kitchen back together. We just finished painting the walls last weekend and have spent the week painting the cabinets. It was a lot of work but it looks so good! I'm going to decorate in a Snoopy theme, since I already have tons of Snoopy stuff.
The youth choir was singing at the pre-school graduation and right before we left Bailey started complaining that her right eye was bothering her. By the time the program was over it was obvious she has a case of pinkeye. Of course, there's no way to get her into the doctor this evening unless we went to the emergency room. Tomorrow is honor day at school and she is being presented with 3 scholarships (that we know of) so she definitely doesn't want to miss in the morning. I called the pharmacy and they told me there is an OTC med that would get her through until after the honor program. So we ran to the pharmacy and picked it up. I also read on the internet to place a damp/cool chamomile teabag over the eye, so we've done that, too. It was really bothering her when she went to bed...I hope it's not worse in the morning.
We did have a beautiful day weather-wise. My flowers are looking really good, except for my marigolds. Something is eating part of them and I can't figure out what. I had replace about 6 of them yesterday. I gave them a good drink of Miracle Grow - hopefully that will help.
So anyway, after my very busy day today, I finally had a moment to relax on the couch with the dog after Andy and Bailey were in bed asleep when all of a sudden.....swoosh! A bat flies right by my head. I scream. I run for Andy. And he comes to my rescue, again. He was able to catch the bat and let it go outside. Stupid bat.
Then it was back home to get the program ready for pre-school graduation tonight and to try to put the kitchen back together. We just finished painting the walls last weekend and have spent the week painting the cabinets. It was a lot of work but it looks so good! I'm going to decorate in a Snoopy theme, since I already have tons of Snoopy stuff.
The youth choir was singing at the pre-school graduation and right before we left Bailey started complaining that her right eye was bothering her. By the time the program was over it was obvious she has a case of pinkeye. Of course, there's no way to get her into the doctor this evening unless we went to the emergency room. Tomorrow is honor day at school and she is being presented with 3 scholarships (that we know of) so she definitely doesn't want to miss in the morning. I called the pharmacy and they told me there is an OTC med that would get her through until after the honor program. So we ran to the pharmacy and picked it up. I also read on the internet to place a damp/cool chamomile teabag over the eye, so we've done that, too. It was really bothering her when she went to bed...I hope it's not worse in the morning.
We did have a beautiful day weather-wise. My flowers are looking really good, except for my marigolds. Something is eating part of them and I can't figure out what. I had replace about 6 of them yesterday. I gave them a good drink of Miracle Grow - hopefully that will help.
So anyway, after my very busy day today, I finally had a moment to relax on the couch with the dog after Andy and Bailey were in bed asleep when all of a sudden.....swoosh! A bat flies right by my head. I scream. I run for Andy. And he comes to my rescue, again. He was able to catch the bat and let it go outside. Stupid bat.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
A New Stage in Life is About to begin

Wow. Our youngest graduates from high school in less than a week. Unbelievable. I'm 42, a grandmother, and now I'm not going to have kids in the public school system anymore. It's amazing how life changes so fast.
I'm looking forward to this next stage though. Of course, this was always Andy's argument for not having more kids. "Just think, Teresa, we'll be 43 and 42 when Bailey graduates. We'll still be young. We're going to really start living." Huh? What have we been doing for the last 24 years together? LOL
She'll still live at home while she goes to college - Ivy Tech is about a 45 minute drive from here. But she's going to be so much more independent. And since I work at the school she attends now, it's going to be different not knowing exactly what's going on with her every single day. Her life is going to really become her own. And as a mom, and especially with her being the baby, it's a little scarey.
I am almost ready for the graduation itself. Invitations have been sent...she's already received two cards with money inside - very exciting for her! The food is ordered for the get-together afterwards. We are having ham salad, a meat tray, a fruit tray, a veggie tray, cheeseballs, chips and dip, and, of course, the obligatory cake with her picture plastered across it - something she's not happy about but I insisted on ordering. She has a "thing" about people eating her face! LOL
I'm just not ready to see her walk out in that white gown, cap on her head with the little tassel dangling, Beta cords around her neck. ~~~sigh~~~ And then to hear her name called, see her turn that tassel to the other side....then the annual toss of the caps into the air to celebrate a new stage in the seniors' lives.
So for those of you who are just starting out with your families....cradle those little ones in your arms....because before you know it, it's going to be you who is ordering meat trays, veggie trays, graduation invitations.....and you'll too wonder where the time has gone.
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