Over the years, I've been very active in my church. I've taught Sunday School, Kids POWer Hour, directed multiple children's plays (Christmas, Easter), directed Vacation Bible School....as you can see, I've been very involved in children's ministry.
I've recently felt a shift in my "ministry". A couple of years ago I was asked to oversee our Moms in Touch program, in which the ladies of our church focus prayer on our school. Over the last few months, I can say that I have truly developed a burden for this ministry. We are certainly living in a different day and age.....my experience of working in our public schools allows me to see things from an interesting point of view. It's not the same as when I was in school over....ahem.....25+ years ago.
Perhaps the problems of today are similar to those of yesteryear, but I think they are also more magnified. We are seeing more and more children who are being raised by grandparents. As parents are forced to work longer hours, we see more children left to their own devices.
I feel there is truly a calling for Moms to be "in touch" with God....much prayer is needed for our schools....not only for the children, but also for the teachers, administrators, and staff. From the bus routes to the classrooms to the board meetings.....we need God to protect and direct.
I can tell you from my point of view as the secretary of a high school office....we often deal with children who it would be easier for us if they didn't attend our school. And yes, I have sometimes been guilty of wishing they would just transfer "somewhere else". They are difficult, they are angry, sometimes they are scarey......yet they are only a product of their environment. They are living what they have learned....who really knows what these children go home to every night?
My prayer is "Lord, let me see them through Your eyes". I want to see them as God sees them, for He doesn't seem them as problem children...He sees them as His creation....He loves them unconditionally. I want to have more compassion....I want to reach these children and have a positive impact on their lives. If they only see one smile a day....let it be from me. If they only receive one word of encourage a day...let it be from me.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Oh Where, Oh Where, has my little Kat gone?
I can't get into KitKat's blog anymore because it says "invited readers" only. Blech. Kitty Katty....where are you? I can get into your food blog, but not yours or the doggies.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Ethan David

I thought I would do a little blog about our youngest grandson, Ethan.
Ethan is just the happiest baby. He is 7 months old now and always just happy to be invited to the party. All you have to do it look at him and you get a quick grin in return.
He is about to master crawling. I love to watch him get up on those little hands and knees......and then fall over! But he will soon be crawling for real and then watch out.....poor Sidda! He is already obsessed with her...and she seems to be quite taken with him, too. She likes to be right next to him when he's at the house and doesn't seem to mind at all when he yanks on her ears. She just turns and gives him a lick in the face.
By the way.....Ethan looks like mine and Bailey's baby pictures. Yay!
Monday, July 07, 2008

When we were going through the "house switch" process, Kim, the lady we bought our house from, told me that her grandfather had a old beagle who would come down every day and eat whatever food scraps Kim would put out. I told her that was fine, since I'm definitely a dog lover.
Sure enough, shortly after moving in, this old beagle showed up. Covered in ticks....absolutely no energy at all. I would scratch him on the top of the head.....the only tickless area on his body....and give him a snack. I asked Kim what the dog's name was and she didn't know.....so we began calling him "Coot" because he just looked like an ol' coot! LOL
I decided I couldn't deal with the ticks, so I got a dose of FrontLine from my vet and put it on Coot. In a couple of the days all of the ticks were gone and he, literally, is a new dog. Full of energy, very loving and plays with Daisy and Sidda (before he would lay around and just watch them).
We then found out that Kim's grandfather had a stroke. After leaving the hospital, he has been placed in a nursing home. One evening Kim's mother stopped by our house. She asked if the beagle had been coming over and she told us to let her know if he were bothering us. She said they were going to try to find Coot a new home. Andy jumped at the chance and said "We'll take him!"
So we now have another new dog.....and he is completely adorable!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Heeeeeeere's Daisy!

Here she is....our newest family member. She is simply the sweetest dog....well, she and Sidda run a close race! :-) She stays right by the house, never leaves the yard. She and Sidda have become friends after a rough start. Sidda wasn't too sure about having another dog around
Daisy goes back to the vet this Saturday for her last puppy shot and for a rabies vaccination. We are also going to set a date to have her spayed....as cute as she, I still don't want a bunch of miniatures running around! LOL
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Flowers galore.....
I've been busy planting lots of flowers in my new humongous yard! So far I have....
a bed of red, white and purple wave petunias
a bed of marigolds, lavendar, Mexican heather and daisies, but our new dog, Daisy, has pretty much destroyed those marigolds
a bed of white and pink impatiens....which I noticed this morning Daisy has made a bed in
a bed of marigolds around a purple clematis
4 large pots of red and white geraniums
and from seeds which aren't blooming yet: sunflowers, wild flowers, more lavendar, daisies, morning glories, zinnias, alyssum, etc....I'm sure I'm forgetting something
We also sit and watch a deer most evenings come out from the woods to get a drink from the pond. We have lots of finches and birds at our feeders, although only a few hummingbirds. I've seen two coyotes and "heard" what I'm told was probably a wild boar.
I am absolutely loving living in the country. We should have done this years ago!
a bed of red, white and purple wave petunias
a bed of marigolds, lavendar, Mexican heather and daisies, but our new dog, Daisy, has pretty much destroyed those marigolds
a bed of white and pink impatiens....which I noticed this morning Daisy has made a bed in
a bed of marigolds around a purple clematis
4 large pots of red and white geraniums
and from seeds which aren't blooming yet: sunflowers, wild flowers, more lavendar, daisies, morning glories, zinnias, alyssum, etc....I'm sure I'm forgetting something
We also sit and watch a deer most evenings come out from the woods to get a drink from the pond. We have lots of finches and birds at our feeders, although only a few hummingbirds. I've seen two coyotes and "heard" what I'm told was probably a wild boar.
I am absolutely loving living in the country. We should have done this years ago!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
We are finally moved!
It's been a while since my last blog post, so here's the update on me.
We finally got moved.....I can't remember the exact date, but it's been a few weeks. Settling in has been a process. I'm having to develop a whole new routine, which is crucial for me. I feel out of sorts when I don't have one.
The house is totally unpacked and I think everything is pretty much in it's place. I have redone the kitchen and dining room. They are sort of together, separated by cabinets. I've painted the dining room and one wall of the kitchen a "golden marsh"....the other two kitchen walls are painted "late tomato". They are really pretty together and much better than the burgundy and odd shade of green that the previous owner had. We also changed the light fixture there. It was a wagon wheel that the previous owner did herself. I bought a really pretty black iron ivy-type fixture which Andy promptly put up for me.
I've taken down the "fishing" border in our bathroom and replaced it with a really pretty "lily" border. The spare bedroom, which is also my office, will remain lavendar with it's bright, flowery border. I kind of like it....it's a whimsical girly room.
We've also been doing a lot of yard work. I've planted geraniums, marigolds, petunias, lavendary, Mexican heather, etc. etc., etc. We are having a patio poured today. We originally were going to build a deck, but the patio seemed cheaper and easier. I can't wait until it's finished.
And we've adopted a new dog. Her name is Daisy and the vet tells me she has no idea what she is! LOL Definitely a "Heinz 57". She's a great dog...stays right by the house. She and Sidda play together pretty well. And yes, Sidda is loving country living. No more leash when she goes outside. Although if I don't keep my my eye on her, she ends up at the pond and comes back a muddy mess!
I'll try to post pictures soon.
We finally got moved.....I can't remember the exact date, but it's been a few weeks. Settling in has been a process. I'm having to develop a whole new routine, which is crucial for me. I feel out of sorts when I don't have one.
The house is totally unpacked and I think everything is pretty much in it's place. I have redone the kitchen and dining room. They are sort of together, separated by cabinets. I've painted the dining room and one wall of the kitchen a "golden marsh"....the other two kitchen walls are painted "late tomato". They are really pretty together and much better than the burgundy and odd shade of green that the previous owner had. We also changed the light fixture there. It was a wagon wheel that the previous owner did herself. I bought a really pretty black iron ivy-type fixture which Andy promptly put up for me.
I've taken down the "fishing" border in our bathroom and replaced it with a really pretty "lily" border. The spare bedroom, which is also my office, will remain lavendar with it's bright, flowery border. I kind of like it....it's a whimsical girly room.
We've also been doing a lot of yard work. I've planted geraniums, marigolds, petunias, lavendary, Mexican heather, etc. etc., etc. We are having a patio poured today. We originally were going to build a deck, but the patio seemed cheaper and easier. I can't wait until it's finished.
And we've adopted a new dog. Her name is Daisy and the vet tells me she has no idea what she is! LOL Definitely a "Heinz 57". She's a great dog...stays right by the house. She and Sidda play together pretty well. And yes, Sidda is loving country living. No more leash when she goes outside. Although if I don't keep my my eye on her, she ends up at the pond and comes back a muddy mess!
I'll try to post pictures soon.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Good gravy...what's the hold up?
Okay....appraisals are done....loans are approved....we are waiting for a closing date. Good grief...how much longer can it take? I am anxious to move!
We have begun packing. Well, let me rephrase that. Andy has begun packing. The basement, the garage and the back porch are done. Bailey's bedroom is also pretty much packed up.
Me? I'm the procrastinator in the bunch. Once I have the definite date for the move, then I'll begin. Luckily I'm not a pack-rat so it really won't take me that long to get packed.
Oh yes, I also already have a new puppy ready to join our family. Well, I don't actually have her yet, but one of our teachers has a stray dog who had pups at her house. She brought in pictures today and, of course, I fell in love with one of the little dolls. I've already named her Daisy...and we have no idea what breed she is. Probably a little bit of everything.
We have begun packing. Well, let me rephrase that. Andy has begun packing. The basement, the garage and the back porch are done. Bailey's bedroom is also pretty much packed up.
Me? I'm the procrastinator in the bunch. Once I have the definite date for the move, then I'll begin. Luckily I'm not a pack-rat so it really won't take me that long to get packed.
Oh yes, I also already have a new puppy ready to join our family. Well, I don't actually have her yet, but one of our teachers has a stray dog who had pups at her house. She brought in pictures today and, of course, I fell in love with one of the little dolls. I've already named her Daisy...and we have no idea what breed she is. Probably a little bit of everything.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
For the last four mornings I have gotten up with a migraine. I take Imitrex and it goes away, but I really wish this was something I just didn't have to deal with. I've developed a pattern. My migraines almost always hit during "that time" and come usually 3 days in a row, this month it has been 4. I'm getting ready to go to bed and can feel another one coming on. I've taken some Advil Migraine to try and save my Imitrex for the really bad ones since I have to pay $30 for 9 pills. Thank goodness for insurance....9 pills are about $200 without insurance.
That's all I wanted to say. I just needed to whine. Andy's working late and Bailey's in bed....and I really don't think Sidda could care less if I have a headache or not, just as long as she can curl up next to me in bed.
That's all I wanted to say. I just needed to whine. Andy's working late and Bailey's in bed....and I really don't think Sidda could care less if I have a headache or not, just as long as she can curl up next to me in bed.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Waiting Game
I'm an impatient person. I want to know if we are going to be moving NOW. I'm not as impatient as Kim, though, the lady who we are hoping to trade houses with. Kim is completely packed and their family is living out of boxes. Her, her husband and their 3 children....living out of boxes. And every time I talk to her, she asks "Are you packed yet?". While I have complete faith that this is going to work out, I'm also a realist and know that anything can happen. I'm not going to pack up, have everything fall apart, and then have to unpack.
I am also on the prowl for a big dog already. One of the local shelters has a golden retriever that I want, but they won't hold him for me. I told Kim about him and she said "Go ahead and get him and bring him out here.....I'll take care of him for you until we all move." Again.....she's very optimistic.
And then there's the girls. Bailey and Ashley. Both were unhappy when we told them about this. Bailey has come around, but Ashley is just sad. Sad that we are leaving the house that they grew up in. And it is sad.....but this old house is simply too big for us. Especially once Bailey leaves, which she eventually will. And we keep thinking of all the great things we can do with a house in the country......fish in the pond....have weenie roasts on the weekend....take the boys out in the woods. I am so excited.....I just can't wait!
I am also on the prowl for a big dog already. One of the local shelters has a golden retriever that I want, but they won't hold him for me. I told Kim about him and she said "Go ahead and get him and bring him out here.....I'll take care of him for you until we all move." Again.....she's very optimistic.
And then there's the girls. Bailey and Ashley. Both were unhappy when we told them about this. Bailey has come around, but Ashley is just sad. Sad that we are leaving the house that they grew up in. And it is sad.....but this old house is simply too big for us. Especially once Bailey leaves, which she eventually will. And we keep thinking of all the great things we can do with a house in the country......fish in the pond....have weenie roasts on the weekend....take the boys out in the woods. I am so excited.....I just can't wait!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Update on Us
It's been a while so here goes......
It looks like we may be moving. We have wanted a home in the country for a long time, but have been hesitant about putting ours up for sale. What if ours sold and we couldn't find a place we wanted? Plus, we're mortgage free.....and we don't want to go into debt.
Enter winter weather.......After a recent bout of ice/sleet, a young man's truck slides off the road. Andy is the responding officer. As they sit in Andy's car, waiting for the wrecker to come, they strike up a conversation. We have a house in town and are looking for a house in the country, they have a house in the country and are looking for a house in town.
The paperwork is being processed as I type this for us to do an even "swap". If you read this, please say a prayer for everything to work out.
In other news.....I convinced Andy to let me buy a new car, a 2007 Ford Fusion which I absolutely love. That sounds bad, doesn't it? That he "let" me buy a car? Okay, "let" isn't the word I should use. It was a mutually agreed upon decision which transpired after much whining, harassing and otherwise I'm-not-going-to-shut-up-until-I-am-driving-a-Fusion banter.
This morning we woke up to 7 1/2 inches of snow and by noon it was 11 inches. Yay! I love snow but I'd really rather have it in December. Not March. Not when spring break is only 2 weeks away.
Ah yes, spring break. We are heading to Arkansas to visit my parents for a week......and we are taking Colin with us. He's four now and I know we'll have so much fun with him in tow. Of course, that's easy for me to say. When Andy's around, I don't exist in Colin's world.....it's all ab0ut "Papaw". So it will probably be Andy who will be doing most of the youngster-minding.
It looks like we may be moving. We have wanted a home in the country for a long time, but have been hesitant about putting ours up for sale. What if ours sold and we couldn't find a place we wanted? Plus, we're mortgage free.....and we don't want to go into debt.
Enter winter weather.......After a recent bout of ice/sleet, a young man's truck slides off the road. Andy is the responding officer. As they sit in Andy's car, waiting for the wrecker to come, they strike up a conversation. We have a house in town and are looking for a house in the country, they have a house in the country and are looking for a house in town.
The paperwork is being processed as I type this for us to do an even "swap". If you read this, please say a prayer for everything to work out.
In other news.....I convinced Andy to let me buy a new car, a 2007 Ford Fusion which I absolutely love. That sounds bad, doesn't it? That he "let" me buy a car? Okay, "let" isn't the word I should use. It was a mutually agreed upon decision which transpired after much whining, harassing and otherwise I'm-not-going-to-shut-up-until-I-am-driving-a-Fusion banter.
This morning we woke up to 7 1/2 inches of snow and by noon it was 11 inches. Yay! I love snow but I'd really rather have it in December. Not March. Not when spring break is only 2 weeks away.
Ah yes, spring break. We are heading to Arkansas to visit my parents for a week......and we are taking Colin with us. He's four now and I know we'll have so much fun with him in tow. Of course, that's easy for me to say. When Andy's around, I don't exist in Colin's world.....it's all ab0ut "Papaw". So it will probably be Andy who will be doing most of the youngster-minding.
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