Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I haven't posted since January 7th!

Yikes! Where does the time go? It's already mid-March.

First - excellent news to report.....I'm going to be a grandma again! Ashley and Guy just found out they are expecting their second child. We are so happy and excited!

Second, some sad news. We had adopted a yorkie, named Max, but were unable to keep him because he was so rough with Sidda. This past Saturday they got into a pretty heated fight and we thought he had broken her jaw. So Andy told me he had to go (Andy was not happy about me getting him in the first place.) Anyway, I gave him to my neighbor, but she is unable to keep him either because he did the same thing to her other dog. She told me she has someone who wants him. I'm just worried about him moving so much - I don't want to traumatize him! He's really a sweet dog.....just not around other dogs.

Let's see.......what job is going great. I am getting added responsibilities all the time and am loving it. This past Tuesday was New Employee Orientation and I did the morning session. It was fun.

That's about it for now.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You and I have both been absentee bloggers. Sometimes life just takes over and the time flies by.

Congratulations to Ashley and Guy! And to brother Colin. And to Grandma Teresa and Grandpa Andy and Aunt Bailey.