Sunday, January 07, 2007

One week down, 51 to go!

It's the end of the first week of the new year.

I had a hectic week at work, but am still loving it. There are rumors swirling (gotta love a small town) that I am returning to the school but, at this point, they are only rumors. A huge part of me misses the work and the kids - I still have kids come up and hug me and ask me to come back. Time will tell if this will happen.

Colin is growing and talking.....too much. He's been peeing in his potty for a while now, but always sitting down. Last Saturday, Andy taught him to pee standing up. So last Sunday during church, I took him to the restroom and he peed stand up. The following conversation ensued:

Colin: I'm gonna tell Papaw I peed in the potty 'tandin' up!
Me: No Colin, don' t you dare go out and tell Papaw that. You can tell him that when we get home.
Colin: But I have to tell Papaw I peed 'tandin' up!
Me: Colin Andrew, I'm warning you....don't you dare go out front and tell Papaw that.

We leave the restroom and before we are even halfway to our seat, Colin announces in a very loud voice, "Hey Papaw! I peed in the potty 'tandin' up!"

Good Gravy.

We are also at the end of our first week of our 37 Days of Consecration at church, which I am thoroughly enjoying. We are reading the New Testmament through during this time. I got behind yesterday, but am all caught up this evenings. It's average 6-7 chapters a day.

I also began teaching a new age group in Sunday School this week - the 10-11-12 year olds, which in this case, is a group of all girls and one boy. Today the "one boy" was absent, so it was just us females - and we had the best time! I am so glad that God has allowed me to be a part of this class - they are definitely going to be a blessing to me, as I pray that I will be to them.

Also, had a miracle happen to me today. I woke up with a horrible, nauseous headache that my Imitrex wouldn't even touch. I thought about staying home from church, but decided to go, staying only long enough to teach my class and then come back home and crawl back into bed. After I got there, I begun feeling much worse so I caught my Pastor in the hallway and asked if he would pray for me right then and there. He did and immediately I was healed. I want to give God praise for touching me in such a great way!

If you read my blog, may your second week of the 2007 be blessed!


Anonymous said...

You have had quite the positive impact on those kids. I'm sure being away from them wasn't an easy decision...neither will going back. Never say never!

Anonymous said...

Colin is such a cutie. They are so cute at that age.

Glad you are enjoying the the Sunday School class.

Boy word sure does get around in that small town.

:0) ~Renae~ :0)