Sunday, November 05, 2006


Bailey has decided to quit school. This is an issue we've been dealing with over the last few weeks. She is constantly in tears and over-stressed. She came to my office this past Monday to talk....well, to talk between sobs. She seems to be having a really difficult time transitioning from high school life to college life. I won't go into details here.

I told her this is the time in her life to discover what it is she really wants to do....and if she needs time off from school, then just do it. Of course, I've had a couple of people tell me that I should have made her tough out at least this first semester, but I just didn't have the heart. I do hate the fact that she will be losing $5800 in scholarship money, but bottom line, it's her decision.

So, she is working and keeping my house clean (hey, this may not be so bad after all!). And, I have to say, she seems much more like her old self, which is always a good thing. She seems much more relaxed and told me it feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.


Renee said...

Poor Bailey! I remember feeling exactly as she does and I took off 3 years before going to college. Of course, when I went back, I loved it. I hope it's that way for her too. Hugs to you both, and kudos to you for allowing her to make her own decision. :)

Kat said...

I think it's hard for high school graduates - who have been in school full time for 12 years to jump right into college for another 4 years, or more. Plus - then having to decide in a short couple of months what you want to be when you grow! That's a lot of pressure.

A pressure *I* couldn't deal with.

I know this must be very tough on you, Andy and Bailey, but Bailey's a good chickie. She'll get back on the track her life is going to take.

Anonymous said...

I know this must be very hard on all of you.

It is a hard transition from High School to college.

I am sure that Bailey will make the right decision for her , she will succeed and be happy in her life what ever she decides to do.
:0) ~Renae~ :0)

Anonymous said...

Great bigs hugs for Bailey!
