After much thought and discussion with Andy (and lots of prayer), I've decided to return to the school where I worked for 11 years. While I love my job at the hospital, the school tugs at my heartstrings. The lady who took my place resigned and I was asked to come back. It was too difficult to say no. And, with gas prices at $3.29/gallon, working only 4 blocks from home again is very appealing!
I've been assured by different individuals that things are different there and it looks like there are some more major changes on the horizon. I can't say much about them here just yet, but a change in administration is probably coming.
I put in my notice at the hospital last Monday, crying the whole time (I'm such a baby). My boss was disappointed, but understood. She asked if there was anything she could do to change my mind and I told her no. But the other lady in our office has been completely strange about the whole thing. She spent Monday crying, but by Tuesday she was completely horrible to me. In fact, she said some pretty ugly things to me in front of a couple of other people and I received a phone call at home that evening from one of those people, asking me just what the heck was going on down in our office.
The next morning my boss talked to me and apologized for the other lady's behavior and promised it would stop. Things were more bearable on Wednesday and Thursday, and by yesterday (Friday), it was much better. Still a little tense, but better. She is at least speaking to me now.
I am taking a week off between jobs - Mom & William will be here that week. I am going to put in a few hours at the school that week, helping to get honor day and graduation pulled together, but other than that, I am looking forward to having a week with Mom.